Baby Witches Guide

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Hi everyone! I got a request from a follower to make a guide for baby witches, and I honestly thought it was a great idea! Here is my advice for baby witches:

Where to start:

If you're wanting to start witchcraft, you NEED to do your research first before performing a spell or ritual. It's not good to perform magick when you don't know what you're doing or getting yourself into. Luckily for you, there are many platforms and books to use to your advantage. If you can't afford to buy any books, you can definitely check out your local library. They actually have metaphysical books there! Some have a widespread of books and some don't have that many. But it's a good place to check!

You can also surf the internet to learn! However, you need to be careful because there's a lot of misinformation out there. Some websites I recommend are,,,

Some apps I recommend to join for witchcraft information are amino, tumblr, reddit, YouTube and Facebook (you can join witch groups).

I also recommend listening to podcasts! There is a lot of helpful information witches share on there. My favorite podcast is called Seeking Witchcraft.

Lastly, books are your go to guides! There are thousands of books out there that can help you out. Barnes and Noble and Amazon are great places to look!


Don't know what type of witch you are or what type of witchcraft you're wanting to do? Start researching different types of witchcraft and witches and see what you feel drawn to! Also note that you don't have to be a specific witch or practice only one type of witchcraft. There's so many different types out there and you'll probably find yourself drawn to more than just one kind. And that's perfectly okay! I know a lot of witches out there say they're a Green Witch or Kitchen Witch or Herb Witch, but it's perfectly fine not giving yourself a title. I practice different types and honestly don't really have a title because I'm so interested in many forms.

Things to know:

Witchcraft and Wicca are two completely different terms. Wiccans may or may not practice witchcraft, to each their own pretty much. Wicca is a religion whereas witchcraft is universal. (If you wanna learn about Wicca, please research it yourself bc I don't have experience on that subject). Anybody can practice witchcraft, you don't have to be "born" one to be able to practice.

Witchcraft is universal, it's not just black and white, it's also grey. Practicing black magick is perfectly fine and you shouldn't shame others for doing it. If it's not for you, that's totally fine. Magick is all about your intentions. If you have good intentions with performing a certain spell, you're going to be fine. If you have bad intentions or justified intentions, it is possible it can backfire on you but there's always a way to protect yourself from it backfiring on you! Not everyone follows or believes in the threefold law, so please respect those that do or don't. Do not perform black magick as a beginner witch. It can most definitely backfire on you if you really don't know what you're doing or have no experience prior!

Please be careful with the type of magick you get into. Some of it is closed off to certain cultures only. An example is Hoodoo or smudging. PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH! It's super important you guys. You don't want to mess with closed off magick because you can anger the

"Witch" is a gender neutral term. This means any gender can call themselves a witch. Men don't have to be called Wizards.

You can be religious and still practice witchcraft. There are many Christian Witches out there!

Not every spell you cast will work. Sometimes the spell just doesn't align with your energy, or you performed the spell wrong, or you just need more practice. You can always try again if it doesn't work the first time, but don't forget to take breaks because you're using your energy.

What you need:

You don't necessarily "need" anything to be a witch. Tools are just helpful when performing spells and rituals and also good to have, but you don't have to have them.

Lots of witches like to collect crystals, use incense, essential oils, herbs, cauldrons, pendulums, runes, tarot cards, oracle cards, etc. If you want any of these tools, you can buy them from local metaphysical stores or online (Etsy and Amazon are great places to look).

Lots of witches also like to have an altar or place of worship for the deity(s) they work with. An altar can be a table, box, nightstand, dresser, or anything you can put your items on. If you're a closeted witch, you can always make a mini altar! Some make them out of an altoids tin, but the choice is yours. A box works just as well. You don't need an altar, but if you'd like to have a sacred space, an altar is the way to go.

Also be prepared to be a witchcraft and metaphysical book hoarder xD lots of us love learning new things and tend to learn through books.

Are you a witch on a budget? Dollar stores and Walmart have lots of cheap tools you can use! You don't have to buy from expensive places when these work just as well. It's all about your intent!!

It's good to create your own Book of Shadows/Book of Spells. It's a great place to keep helpful Witchcraft information and spells you plan on using. You can use a notebook, journal, binder, or regular paper. Whatever works for you!

Simple spells to start with:

Protection spells are good and simple to start out doing. You can write your own spell (which is more effective from my experience) or you can find a spell from somewhere else. (Side note: your spells don't have to rhyme)

Another simple spell to start with are candle spells. Just get a color that represents what spell you're doing, light it, and state your intent or prayer. If you're doing a money spell, use a green candle. If you're doing protection, healing, banishment, or anything else, use a white candle (white is universal). If you're doing a happiness or confidence spell, use a yellow or orange candle. The list goes on!

Another simple spell are jar spells. These jars can be any size. All you have to do is get or write the spell, fill your jar with things that correspond with what type of spell you're doing (things include crystals, herbs, essential oils, dirt, sand, etc), as you're putting your jar together, make sure you use your intent, then seal the cap with melted wax! (You don't have to do the wax if you don't want to). Obviously this one requires more ingredients but it's fun and simple to do!

Making your own sigils is also simple to do! Sigils are pretty much magick symbols that can also be affirmations. To learn how to make your own sigils, look it up on YouTube! I can't include pictures here to help you.
If you can't draw, you can always look up sigils on Google. You can draw them on you, draw them on a piece of paper and put them on your walls (you can easily hide them behind things on your walls). When you're creating your sigils, you want to write them down as if you already have what you are wanting. For example, you don't want to say "I want to be confident" or "I will be confident". Instead you should say "I am confident." The words "I am" are powerful words that the universe responds to. Magick is all about manifesting.


Author's Note:

That is all I could think of in regards to baby witches. I hope this was helpful for those that are baby witches! Please know that you're constantly going to be learning new things, witchcraft and the metaphysical and pretty much never ending, so be patient with yourself and take your time. Rushing won't do any good for you!

If you have any questions, please comment them below and I will answer them for you. Please don't expect me to do the work for you. I am only here to help guide you in the right direction. Research, research, and research! It's super important to do. I am more than happy to help you but please put in effort yourself. Obviously if you can't find an answer to your question anywhere, you're more than welcome to ask!

~Blessed be

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