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1.8K 51 15

|Warnings:| Small angsts, Small sexism

Words: 2391

|Second POV|

After those past nine years, you've grown into the person you wanted to be when you were little.

Well—not yet, however.

"(Y/n)! What on earth happened?!" Your mother gasped, quickly walking over to you as a crowd of people follow behind her.

"I was just saving a kid from a venomous snake." You respond after you give a random mother her son—who you saved—back. Whispers dawn upon the crowd, switching their gazes to you and the saved child.

"Saving a kid? You know you aren't supposed to be doing those kind of stuff!" Your mother said, glowering at the dirt all over your kimono and the small sticks and leaves in your hair. "If I didn't save her kid, he would've been bitten by that snake!" You point your index finger at the small boy, yelling back at your mother. "(Y—" You quickly cut her off, taking a step forward but not going any further. "Even if I did call for help, he'd still get bitten from how long the towns men would take!!" Some people gasped from what you've said, but you didn't regret It at all.

A scowl forms on your mother's face.

"Go back to the house." Her bangs covered her eyes as she tilts her head down to the ground.

Before you could even get a word out, she points at the small town you and everyone lived In behind her. "Now." She demanded, not caring to look at you in the eyes. You shut your mouth, feeling tears prick your eyes. Everybody stayed silent while you walked away and back to your so called "house".

| Timeskip ❀ |

Sliding open the door, you ignore your grandmother when she tries to get your attention, continuing on to your room without a greeting or giving a glance at her.

After the sound of your door slamming closed, the elderly lady sighs.

"What have you done this time, (M/n)..?" Her wise, old, eyes that have seen things before even you and your mom have, watched as people came back In town and passed the opened window In front of her.

Your mother sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose as she leans against the now closed door.

"She snuck out! Which Is a strict rule In our village!!" She bursted, clearly stressed enough about the rules you have broke In the past.

"What's worse, Is that she could've gotten bitten by a venomous snake!" Your mother continues, throwing her hands In gestures while she explains.

Before she could continue further, she gets interrupted by your grandmother.

"I meant what did you do, (M/n). Not for you to explain what happened." Your grandmother specifically said. Returning the small scowl she got from the female. "I did nothing but scold her, how a mother should be doing." Your mother crosses her arms, getting her back off of the door as she faced your grandmother. She empathized the two words out a bit harshly.

Your grandmother doesn't back down, instead, she lets out a scoff and replies back.

"Wrong. You have been tearing away her freedom, including this damn village. She wants to be who she chooses to be. Yet, you cannot let go from what you have feared most of your life before she was born. She is your daughter, now act up and be the best mother you can be. Not become one who she wouldn't think of as a mother, anymore." Your grandmother scowl slowly turns into a sad frown, watching as tears welled up In your mother's eyes.

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