and then they met

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Maka was always a good girl. Always looking for adults praise for the things she did. She had the best grades in her whole school on till she left middle school.  She was a people pleaser. She was nice to every one and always made sure the people she was around were happy. But even though she was nice she never had a lot of friends. She was a tall skinny girl and got made fun of for it constantly.

        Soul on the other hand was the opposite he had so many friends he felt sophicated and didn't even like them. They were only hanging out with them because they thought that he would beet the shit out of them if they didn't. He had sharp teeth with white spiky hair and a leather jacket. He knew they would eventually leave. They always did.

    They met at the initiation the D.W.M.A had for weapons and meister's to meet and partner up. Of course it's more than that. They to have matching soul wavelength's. Maka initiated it first. "Hi, I'm Maka I'm a meister!"  -that sounded way to chipper-  soul thought looking at the smiling girl. "The hairs natural." He replaid expressionless. "O... U sorry, I'm so Soul Eater." He said after a minute. -he seems... A bit wiered- Maka thought to herself. Maka cought health staring at the boy and she realized how sad his eyes were. All of a sudden she started tearing up.

maka x soul a fatefull encounterWhere stories live. Discover now