Chapter 9 - Returning to Spring Recess - Part 2

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–Author's note—

Hello there my lovely readers! 🥰

I wish you a Merry and Healthy Christmas! 🎄🧚🏻‍♀️🎁🎉

I hope that Christmas' magic wraps your heart in happiness! 🪄🎊🧸💗

As a Christmas gift this chapter is longer than usual!🎁

Christmas gift 1/3!🎁

I don't own the rights of the pictures I use, @credit goes to their original owners!

—End of Author's note—


"Cas don't be angry! And you two, stop with the teasing, I'm the kid you supposed to be grown-ups, don't you?" – Rya scolded them now fully awake.

           Rya extended her right arm in my way. Oh, I immediately understood what she wanted. With one clear instruction of my body, Bourbon went as close to Hunter that I could reach out easily for my sister's hand. Once we grabbed each other's wrist tightly with one quick strong pull to my direction, she slips out of Kay's arm, who still didn't understand our plan. When Rya was in the air free from Kay's hold, she twisted her body in a way that she could easily land on her feet. Once she was steady on her feet, I released my grab on her wrist, she did the same and started running forward on the forest road.

           I glanced in the direction of my family, their expressions were shocked and confused. It is a priceless sight and a very rare image of them. I chuckled. Before Kay or Father could say anything, I instructed Bourbon by collecting the reins and moving my right leg back towards her bottom while my left leg stayed close to her forelegs. With squeezing my left leg and pressing my right leg onto Bourbon's side, she jumped into an immediate canter catching up quickly to Rya.

           Once next to Rya, she grabs my left boot and adopts her running form to Bourbon's canter rhythm. Once their movements are in synchrony, she waits for the right rhythm. Still hanging with her small hands on my boot, she stomps on the ground with tightly drawn legs, next to Bourbon's fore-hoof. Catching the right rhythm, her jump quickly rises up until my hip, where my right arm laying on my back waiting for her grab. She grabs my hand with her right while her left-hand leans on to my tight. She is now sitting behind my back, her legs hung on both sides of Bourbon. Her small arms embrace my torso and tighten their hold while she is leaning closer to my back. I squeeze my legs to Bourbon's sides encouraging her to burst out in her wide famous lightning speed leaving father and Kay behind us.


          I glance back. Oh boy, father's open mouth and Kay's wildly open eyes! Yeah, it was worth it! I burst out laughing freely. The wind streams in my ginger hair, resulting in my hair dancing widely in the air as fire flames. I'm free!!! Galloping with Bourbon almost feels as we were flying! The freedom I feel whenever I gallop with her is indescribable.

           We galloped through the Spring Forest at a lightning speed without any actual noise. The trees are blurry to my sight, all I can see is the vivid colours of green, oak-brown and a lot of other colours such as yellow and purple. WOOOWWW! there is something magical in this view, the blurriness gives to the sight something unique and mesmerizing. I want to paint it down!

           As I close my eyes for a breath moment. I could hear buzzing noises coming from the deep of the forest but deadened by the cunningly woven webs on the leaves. I take a deep breath; the air is so fresh but still cold. A well-known feeling came rushing to me, whenever I enter this forest, my heart skips a beat. There is so much positive energy. How could I resist such a lush Garden of Eleonore? A deep, haunting ballad of the forest's ancient song calls out to my heart. Her melody is soul-soothing. I send her back my own ballad, telling her about my sorrow and at the same time my thankfulness for her singing making me joyful and happy.

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