Two forlorn shadows

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Hazel couldn't help but smile as she stood in front of her dresser, humming a soft tune. Leo's words were still echoing in her head....was he really her boyfriend now? It felt so strange that she couldn't believe all this. Shaking her head she picked up her phone, intending to message Leo but then bit her lip.

"Nah , it's too early....I should wait for him to call me first. Yeah I should totally play hard-to-get" she said to herself and collapsed on her bed. It surely had been one tiring day. On the other side of the town, Leo stood in his balcony, wearing an anxious expression. His shoulders were stiff, his eyes expressionless with his jaw clenched and fists balled up. He looked restless. He was regretting his emotional decision.  Jennifer stood in front of him, with her arms crossed over her chest. She looked calm, but her throbbing eyes seemed as if flames were flickering from them. She shot Leo another glare and cleared her throat.

"Jenna listen I-"

"Just shut it!" She shrieked. Leo stepped back and squeezed his eyes shut.

"I can't believe it Leo. We are already having a hard time and now you made her your girlfriend to add onto the trouble! You know very well that soon this mission will be over and you will have to leave New York and obviously Hazel as well. Why don't you understand that this will do nothing but break both your heart and her heart. " She paused to take a breath.

" Jennifer after Sophia she is the only way I can move on... otherwise I will remain that same forlorn shadow...who was lost in time the day Sophia died"

"Leo I know how you feel but this is not the best way, trust me it will cost you more than you are willing to pay don't realize it right now but this will cause a lot of trouble and if even both of us try....we would not be able to handle it....not this time"

Something in Jenna's voice made Leo hold back his counter argument.

"I need some time to think" He finally whispered.
Jenna instantly nodded and strode off, softly shutting the door behind her. Running his hand through his hair, Leo walked inside and slumped on the bed, rubbing his temples. Flashbacks surrounded him.... moments with Sophia, her death, all began swirling in his head. Before he knew it, he fell asleep.


The Sun's golden rays were peaking through the slightly ajar window. The curtains were swaying in the gentle breeze and the wind chimes hummed a soft melody. As enchanting as the view was, the beauty was inhanced by the beautiful boy who was sleeping peacefully in his bed. His brown hair looked ruffled and his shiny skin looked as if it was glowing. Subsequently, the alarm clock rang. The automated bells pealed through the entire room and Leo instantly shot up in a haste and looked around. Clutching his chest, he panted until his heart beat returned back to normal. Running his hand through his hair, he looked around warily.

"Gosh when did I fall asleep?" He asked himself. Moments later, he stood in front of his dresser, all fresh. Sliding into his black leather jacket, he snatched his phone from the charging jack and hurriedly shoved it in his pocket. As he rushed out of his house he froze in his tracks. The most unexpected person was standing there, smiling at him warmly.

"Hazel? " He heard himself say.

" Hey Leo, let's go to school together" she chanted and embraced him into a soft hug. Leo couldn't hug her back. Jerking away he took a step back.

"What was that?"

"What? You always hug me randomly too. Why? Can't I hug you now? You're my boyfriend!" She reminded. She felt ashamed now that Leo was not acting like the affectionate boyfriend she had expected him to be.

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