chapter 4

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I wanted to get this out quickly, since I haven't updated in a while, so it ended up being pretty short.

"You should go to the nurse, those burns look pretty bad." midorya told Gon.

"Ok." Gon responded. Then turned his attention to Killua. "You should go too."

"Why?" Killua asked. "I'm not hurt."

"Yeah you are." Gon said, pointing to his leg, when Killua broke Todoroki's ice, he ripped, not only his pant leg, but the skin from his leg aswell. Now Killua's leg was covered in blood.

Killua looked at his leg and, noticing the blood, said.
"Huh, I didn't notice." Gon just rolled his eyes at Killua's words.

"Do you mind showing us the way, midorya?" Gon asked, turning his attention away from Killua.

"Not at all." Midorya replied.

When they returned to class, the next sparing match had already started. The two who were going against eachother were a spiky haired, red head and a blonde with a tail.

When they noticed Killua and Gon had come back, a few student had come over to introduce themselves and compliment the two on their fights.

"Hey Gon?" Said a girl with black hair that was in a ponytail, yaoyorozu.

"Yeah?" Gon replied. The other couple of people who had come over were silent, curiously waiting to see what she was going to ask.

"You looked really happy when you said to Killua that your hands were still attached. You also said 'this time'. Have you been in a fight with bakugo before?" She asked.

" No, not him, it was someone a lot like him though." Gon said, he then went on to tell them about his fight with the bomber, of course changing some details.

When he finished, the small group looked skeptical and, understandably, shocked by the story, they looked to Killua for confirmation.

"Sadly, he's telling the truth." Killua said"No one would lie about doing something that stupid."

All Might called out the next two people and went on.

__________after class_________

Just when Gon and Killua were about to leave, and go change, All Might came up to them.

"Young zoldyck, young freecs. Could you two come to my office, for a moment?"

"Sure, old man." Killua replied, he already knew what this was about, and so did Gon.

After changing back into their uniforms the two boys followed All Might to his office.

_____in All Might's office_____

All Might say down behind the desk that was in the room, and gestured for the two to sit in the seats across from him. The duo looked, somewhat, tense as they sat down.

"I'd like to ask you two a few questions." All Might said.

"Say it already, old man. We already know what you want to ask about." Killua said, with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Young Midorya tells me you two have some concerning scars. I'd like to know what they're from." All Might replied.

"He's an idiot who gets into way too many fights and ends up getting himself hurt." Killua gestured to Gon.

"Hey! You get in fights too!" Gon retorted.

"Not nearly as much as you do." Killua said, matter-of- factly.

"Young Midorya mentioned you said that." All Might interrupted. "He also said you didn't explain all of your scars." All Might said to Killua. He didn't respond.

"I'll find out sooner or later, so it's best you tell me now." all might said. Killua and Gon looked at eachother.

"On one condition." Killua said, All Might raised an eyebrow. "I won't get in any trouble and what I tell you doesnt leave this room." Killua said.

"Alright.." All Might agreed, hesitantly.

Killua sighed and said. "I used to be an assassin, I got the scars from my training." All Might was too shocked to say anything for a moment.

"I'll have to inform principle nezu about this." All Might said sternly.

"He already knows about Killua." Gon said. Mitsu said she'd told nezu about Killua being an ex-assassin.

All Might thought for a moment, before saying. "You two may leave. But I will be speaking with principle Nezu about this."

The two boys nodded and left, to find the cafeteria.

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