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Harry could basically feel Louis' lips touching his and his strong hold on his arms above his head. Harry lent in, closing the space between them. Their lips met and they started kissing. Its was a soft kiss, full of love, yet a little lustful.

Louis started intensifying the kiss, making harry moan in his mouth. This was what Harry had dreamt ever since he started liking Louis, to be able to kiss him and be with him.

"Guys! Its time for us to lea-" Liam's voice entered the room. "OH MY GOD"

"Both of you owe me five bucks. I told you they's both realize soon enough." An irish voice said.

"Fine." Zayn's voice said, and then groaned.

Meanwhile, Louis and Harry had kept making out on the floor. Lips still on each other and both running out of breathe.

"Guuuuuyyyys." Niall groaned. "Can you please stop making out in front of us?"

"We really need to go to the movies. We'll wait for you in the car." Zayn added, and the three lads left the room.

Louis pulled away first, both gasping for air. Harry opened his eyes to see a very flushed Louis. He internally smiled, knowing the he caused that.

Louis just opened his eyes wide opened, as if he realized what he had done. He quickly got off of Harry and stood up, dusting himself.

"I-Im s-so sorry. I don't know w-what took over me. Gosh, you probably don't even feel the same." Louis put his hands in his face and groaned. "I'm so stupid."

And so, Louis left the room quickly and got in the car, leaving a very confused Harry behind.

Harry, couldn't help the hurt expression in his face as he got on the car. It honestly hurt him.

What does he mean by 'sorry'? Did he not mean it? It probably just was an accidental kiss or something. He just sighed.

Niall, who was sitting beside him, frowned as he saw Harry's expression. He raised and eyebrow as if to say "What's the matter?"

Harry just shrugged, and turned to face the window, letting out a sigh. How could he, Harry Styles, ever hope to be with Louis? Louis was just too perfect, and Harry wasn't good enough, was he?

They parked and got out of the car, heading to the cinema. As they got there, Eleanor was waiting on the door.

"Lou!" She squealed in a high-pitched voice, and ran into Louis, who just hugged her back.

The other four lads just stood there awkwardly, and waited for their hug to end. After, she proceeded onto greeting the rest of them.

"Harry! Long time no see, huh?" She said, and Harry made his best effort to take all the hurt and jealousy from his face and gave her a fake smile.

He knew she didn't really like him, it had always been like this between them. But if she wants to play it that way, so will Harry.

"It has been, hasn't it? Thats such a shame. We should really meet up some more." Harry said, making it a little obvious than the excitement was fake.

Liam elbowed Harry and glared at him signaling to stop.

"Hey! That was uncalled for!" Harry pouted.

Liam just kept glaring at him and talked. "Well, I think its time to enter the movie."

They all went up and payed for their tickets, and also grabbed some food for the movie. Then, they entered and sat on the back part of the cinema. Zayn sat by Liam, then Niall, then Harry, then Louis, and finally Eleanor.

Harry leaned back to his seat, and tried to focus on the movie, but Eleanor and Louis seemed to have this oh so important conversation to his side that kept distracting him.

Harry had tried to talk with Louis, using excuses like 'Can I have some nachos?', and some jokes like 'What do you call a cheese that isn't yours? Nacho Cheese.' (Which by the way, is an amazing joke and Louis should've totally laughed) .

In most of these Louis didn't really answer, he just handed him the nachos or rolled his eyes fondly and continued talking with Eleanor.

Honestly, Harry was feeling like shīt now. If he knew his best friend wouldn't talk to him - and all because of that stupid kiss- he probably wouldn't have kissed him in the first place.

This is exactly what he feared the most; loosing his best friend. And now, all because of that stupid little kiss (well actually a full on snog), he was loosing him.

As harry heard his name in the conversation by his side, he was pissed. He turned to Louis and tapped his shoulder.

"You know, if you have something to tell me you could just tell me. Instead of talking to you ex-girlfriend about it when you are sitting beside me."

And so, Harry got up. But before he could leave, he turned to Louis who was gaping at him. "And just an FYI, Louis, talking in the movies isn't polite."

Harry stormed out of the cinema and started walking home. He was tired, really tired. Tired of being in love with his best friend. Tired of being so jealous whenever he was with Eleanor. Tired of all this bullshīt he has had to put up with.

Harry entered his house and quickly walked to his room, slamming the door and locking it. He grabbed his pillow and put it to his face, throwing himself onto the bed and screaming onto the pillow.

Why did loving Louis have to be so difficult?


[[A/N: sorry i havent updated but i've been sick so yeah. thats that. 5 votes till next update and all that shiz. im so tired of being sick its not even funny. anyways please check out my story till death do us apart i promise its good. leave comments and favs and love bc y'all are amazing people. bye xx]]

[[dedication to @oopsandhi bc they fücking love this story and that makes me fücking love you :)]]

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