Grey area

293 12 3


*At Justin and Jessica's house. They're both getting ready to go to an appointment*

"Hey Jess, have you seen my hat?" I yell from the kitchen .   *no answer*  she probably didn't hear me I'll just go to the living room where she is.

calling her name as I walk into the room, I see her sat down with her fingers spread apart waiting for red polish to dry.

"Jess, did you just paint your nails?"

"Yeah... Why?"

"Our appointment is at 1:00pm and it's already 12:30pm. We need to be leaving like right now."

She senses the irritation in my voice and changes the subject; "What was it that you wanted? I heard you yell but I couldn't make out what you were saying."

"Oh, I was just asking if you knew where my hat was." I reply gently, feeling bad for raising my voice at her.

"That old thing?... It's in the bedroom where you left it"

"I've already checked there"

"Well then, check again. It's definitely in there."

I defiantly walk to the bedroom with Jess expecting not to find it but sure enough there it was, laid on the bedside table as if it were mocking me. I put it on and check myself out in the mirror. "Yeah still got it." I hear Jess whisper.

Oh crap it's already 12:40pm!

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