Its not fair

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I stomped down the stairs mum
says I'm not aloud a mc Donald's because I dropped my iPhone down the tiolet btw never dantce around in the batheroom .Any way I'm not responsible well what does it even meen I replied to mum but she says look in a dictionary but what's that I'll just ask my dad he is a encicupidea did I spell that right ?She says if I brush my hair do the washing and paint her nails then I can have some soup I'm her little cleaner I just play with my little brothor btw don't tell mum I just pay him 1p a day to do it oves I do her nails sparkerly bright hot pink
always the same anyway I am angry anyway perfect pipper strolled in with her small dress wich goes down to her knees and steels my boy friend joe he has jet black hair he is a dream she in my words is pipper pig ha ha pipper she always wins against me I would I would shave her strawberry blonde cascaiding hair off her head I'm ally bannerwoke the dorkyest dork ever known btw I have a crush on mat atheist cutest year 5 ever I love him ....

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