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The Avengers were all in the kitchen that morning. Of course they had to eat breakfast somewhere. Anyway, it was a normal day, Peter and Tony weren't at this breakfast as of their seemingly endless lab time.

Well that was until Rhodey said something that made everyone go silent. "You know....Peter looks a lot like Tony did when he was younger."

Everyone looked at him, how could he just casually say this as if it didn't mean anything?

It just increased the suspicions that Peter and Tony were somehow biologically related, there wasn't any way to prove this since they probably wouldn't give up DNA samples for Bruce to compare. The avengers were stumped.

As Clint was playing a game on his phone an ad suddenly popped up, it was one of those ridiculous 'what will you look like when you get older' apps. He was about to exit out of the ad, but was struck with an idea. If Peter looks like Tony when he was younger, who's to say that peter won't still look like Tony when he's older.


The plan was simple, get a picture of Peter, use the app, and see if he still looks like Tony when they add on to his age. sure it could all just be a fake scam, but it was all they had at the moment.

Just then, Peter walked into the room yawning. Natasha found her opportunity and quickly snapped the picture, and ran away before Peter even knew what happened. phase 1: complete.


The avengers regrouped in the kitchen that afternoon, they knew peter and tony were going to be in the lab till at least dinner time, so that gave them more than enough time to try out their last hope. Natasha quickly sent the picture to Clint and the app was already downloaded and ready to go, soon enough the picture was being scanned and everyone held their breath with suspense. This had to work. Just then the photo stopped processing and up came a new one. The app said 'older you' and the avengers knew this is what they wanted. They leaned down at the picture and the smiling face of Tony Stark was staring back at them. They all smirked in synchronisation. This will be fun.


As Tony and Peter came down from lab time, the plan was set in motion. As Tony walked into the kitchen to get a drink of water, Peter plopped down in his seat, which was right next to Clint. The bird themed hero took out his phone and showed the image transformation to peter. When it was finished Peter's mouth was agape and everyone had a smirk on their face.

Sam leaned over the table and asked Peter, "care to explain?" Peter turned into a confused blushing and stuttering mess. Tony walked in after getting his cup of water and of course immediately noticed.

"Hey underoos, what's wrong?" peter, still at a loss for words just pointed over to Clint's phone.

Tony held his hand out for the phone and Clint gleefully handed it over. Tony frowned, red flag. Tony put on his glasses and looked down at the phone, on one side of the screen was a picture of peter, on the other was one of him with the caption 'older you'.

Tony then inwardly smirked, they thought this was funny?

He then let a mock confused look fall onto his face, and in the corner of his eye he saw Peter put his head in his hands. He knew what Tony was going to do.

Tony then said in a complete serious tone, " why does he look so much like me? He's not my biological child, he's adopted."

Rhodey, who was thoroughly entertained by this, spit his drink out at the last sentence. "Wait, what? How could you not tell me, I thought we were friends?" he asked in a mock accusation.

Tony sighed, "oh honey bear, if only you waited a minute longer."

Just then, Pepper walked in carrying a blue cake with the words 'congratulations! It's a boy" in dramatic handwriting across the top.

"Surprise!" the million dollar couple shouted in unison.



First time trying a oneshot. Tell me what you think of it!

And if anyone who has better writing wants to take their shot at rewriting this, go ahead! Just tell me first.

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