I HATE YOU!!part 1-☂︎,⚠︎,♣︎

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you and five have been together for almost 4 years and you love him and he loves you.you are 22. (imaging five is 22 too)

YOUR POV(4 years ago)(the day that five left)

One day at dinner you guys are eating and you feel the table shake as well as something hit the table and we all look up"number five"my father says"I have a question"I hear my boyfriend say to my father"knowledge is and admirable goal but you know the rules, no talking during mealtimes, you're interrupting Herr Carlson"my father says back to my boyfriend, I glare at him and send him a mind message 'what the hell are you doing's just looks at you and smirks"I want to time travel""no""but I'm ready I have been practicing my spacial jumps just like you said" then my ignorant boyfriend appears right next to my father"a spacial jump is trivial when compared to the unknowns of the time travel, one is like sliding along the ice the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn"my father explained"well, I don't get it""hence the reason you're not ready"he looks at me and I shake my head but he looks back at our father"I'm not afraid""fear isn't the issue, the effects that it might have on your body, or even in your mind are far too unpredictable, now i forbid you to talk about this anymore "my father replies and he runs out"BABY"I yell as I run out"number five and eight, you haven't been excused come back here!!" you get outside but see him about to jump"BABY NOOOO PLEASE"you yell as he jumps, you start sobbing then and everyday since for 2 years...

the day of the funeral

you are upstairs in your room on your phone when you hear some noises from outside like in a thunderstorm but you just stay on your phone, after a few minutes you hear your siblings talking in the kitchen so you sneak downstairs"wow family meeting without family thats really bold of y-"you say laughing but stop in your tracks when you see five eating and peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich"y/n i'm s-"you hear from five before you jump out of that room into yours and sit on your bed as you see a message from your abusive boyfriend

bf😔: hey baby

you: hi...

bf😔: i'm coming over in 5 minutes

you: I'm not at home...

bf😔: then where are you!!??!!

you: at my parents house...

bf😔: send me the address

you:*sends address*

bf😔:ok ill see you soon love you

seen at 1:13

bf😔:you better say I love you too!!

you:I love you too...

you lay down on your side on the bed to go to sleep when you hear a SWOOSH in your room, you look up and see five, you roll your eyes and lay back down but he sits down on your bed"look i'm sorry I left you"he says while touching down your waist but you push his hand off "really that's all you had to say"you reply and get up"YOU HAD ME CRYING FOR 2 F**CKING YEARS BECAUSE YOUR STUBBORN LITTLE ASS HAD TO TIME TRAVEL!!"he looks up at you with guilt, regret and sadness all in his eyes but then looks down"but I moved on from you..."he looks at you with regret and anger "but i'm still hurt because you were my best friend...and you left me"your eyes turn sky blue because you're sad "i'm so so sorry"he says while his voice crack"I thought I would leave and come back"he places a strand of hair behind your ear"i really do regret leaving you"he grabs your hands as he looks at you in the eyes and leans in, your lips are centimeters away but you pull away"I-i can't I have a boyfriend..."I say as I look down at our hands"WTF IS HAPPENING IN HERE!?!?!?!"I look at the door and I see my boyfriend at my door "you have to go"I tell five and then he jumps out of my room"I will literally hit you so hard after I hit him"I hear my boyfriend say as he runs out to where five is and I run after him but I see him with a bloody knife and I see five on the floor bleeding out"WTF DID YOU DO TO HIM"you run to five and heal him and he tries to gets up but you tell him to stay there as you got up your eyes turn dark red and I turn into a wolf and run to your bf/ex and bite him and you were about to kill him but you fainted...

Aidan/Five smuts and fluffsWhere stories live. Discover now