The Begining

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! Cursing, Violence, mention of blood, 18+ content, and maybe some disturbing stuff, you have been warned !

Hi uh well my name is Y/n, and well one day I was found by the umbrella Academy, Klaus, Luther, Diego, Allison, Vanya, and Five. They found me scared, I couldn't really control my powers, I could make things levitate and shapeshift into any animal, I was terrified, I was hiding behind a dumpster, with blood on me, I was crying, but then a boy who looked my age, walked up to me, he had a school uniform on,

"are you alright?" He asked,

I looked up still crying, "n-n-no" I said studdering,

"what happened" he said crouching down,

"I-I-I couldn't c-control i-it, I w-was s-scared" I said studdering and rambling,

"ok ok, your gonna be ok" he said calmly holding my hands,

I look at him holding my hands and then at him, I seem to just calm down,

"me and my siblings will help you control, ok?" He said,

I nod in reply and he helps me stand up and we walk through some weird portal, and I'm standing infront of some other people, they are all adults, I was a little scared, but Five Squeezed my hand telling me everything is ok,

"well everyone I found this girl" he said talking to the others,

"who is she" a man who looked bigger than the others said,

"well first lets introduce ourselves ok" Five said,

"well I'm Allison" the girl who had a different skin tone them said,

"I'm Klaus" one guy said he looked a little like he was drunk,

"And Ben is right here, but no one else can really see him" he said,

"well I'm Luther" the man that was bigger than them said,

"I'm Diego" a man said, he had a this scar that went from his hair to his face,

"I'm Vanya" another girl said, she had brown hair,

"and I'm Five" said the boy holding my hand,

"now do you mind telling us your name" Five asked me,

I looked down, "I'm Y/n..." I said

"ok but can you explain why your covered in blood" Luther asked,

"well u-um I uh" I was trying to figure out how to explain,

"it's ok take your time" Vanya said,

"I was at the diner, and I was trying out leave but t-then, someone grabbed me, I was scared and then I felt weird and I looked like I was lower to the ground and I started to attack them, one of them started to float and all I can remember was they were following my gaze, getting hit on the wall, then I felt weird again and I was back to my normal size, I was covered in blood and their dead body's was just there, I ran and hid behind a dumpster, that's when F-Five found me" I explain,

they all seem to be in shocked, but Five was smiling,

"well can you try and show us what you exactly did" Five said,

"well I uh I don't know what I did" I say looking down,

but then Diego comes over and is standing in front of me,

"then maybe we should scare her" he said,

"Are you crazy!?!?" Luther yelled,

"You could possibly get killed Diego!" Vanya yelled,

but then he grabbed my arm and pushed me down, Five looked at me and was shocked, he looked angry at Diego, Luther had to hold Five back, I looked back at Diego, and he was holding a knife, my eyes widened, and then I feel weird and again and they looked at me shocked, but I looked at Diego and he started to float, they let Five go and he ran to me and was in front of me,

"hey look at me your ok, he's not gonna hurt you" Five said, he gently grabbed my hands, I felt weird and I heard Diego fall,

"good" Five said smiling at me,

he helped me stand up and held my hand still when he turn to the others,

"She's a shapeshifter" Allison said

"and has telekinesis" Luther said,

I was shocked, I didn't understand, I technically have powers, this has to be a dream, I couldn't move cause I was in so much shock,

"You ok Y/n?" Five asked me,

I couldn't reply cause of the shock, but then everything seem to fade and I felt myself fall back but before I fell to the ground,I could hear them kinda yell in concern, all I could see was darkness.

I woke up in a bed, it felt comfortable, to be truthful this is the first time I slept on a bed, I ended up running away from a orphanage, I've been gone from that place for 3 months, but I feel so comfortable now, I feel much cleaner too, I'm guessing they cleaned the blood off me, I opened my eyes, I was alone, but I was in a bedroom, it looked like it was for a girl, the walls were pink with roses on it, it looked like there was fake vines hanging from the ceiling, there was flowers and so many other things, the pillow and blanket was pink, the room had a nature vibe to it, but then I noticed, my outfit changed......WHO CHANGED ME!?!? Just then Allison walked in, she had a tray, she looked up and noticed I was awake,

"oh! Your awake, that's good" she said placing the tray down on a little table next to the bed,

I was about to say something, "if your wondering who changed you I did, cause you know we can never trust a man to change a woman" she said giggling a little,

I laughed a little too, I noticed there was something hooked to my arm,

"oh the IV, you looked a little dehydrated, so I got a IV from somewhere and well I hooked it up to you so you can get water in you" she said,

"what is this place?" I asked,

"oh, this is the place me and my siblings grew up in, otherwise known as, The Umbrella Academy" she replied,

the umbrella academy, that's a odd name, but it makes it sound unique. I look at the food and Allison noticed,

"oh I brought that for you to eat, it's chef boyardee ABC and 123, spaghetti and meatballs" she explained,

I grab the spoon and hesitate to eat it but I get some and eat it, it was shocked, it taste good, I haven't eaten anything like this in days, so I scarf it down, I can hear Allison giggling, I look up to see she is giggling, I'm guessing at from me eating,

"don't eat so fast" she said while giggling,

I look down and realized, I have to tell her why I'm eating like this,

"well I really haven't had anything good to eat in a long time.." I told her,

she looked shocked, "oh wow, how come?" She asked,

"well uh, I have technically in the streets" I replied,

she was more shocked but seemed sad, but then she hugged me, I was confused and didn't understand, but hugged her back, all I've ever wanted was just to be hugged by someone, this makes me so happy, she lets me go,

"you will live here from now on" she said,

"and we will help train you to control your powers" Five said walking in,

I looked at him and smiled, he smiled back,

"can I have a minute with her please Allison" he asked her,

"sure thing Five" she said and go up and walked out the room,

he walked over to me and sat on the side of the bed and looked at me,

"Y/n I just want you to know, I will protect you" he said looking so serious,

"I promise you that" he said that and hugged me, I hugged him back, I was happy, so much, and that's how I got to the umbrella academy, and now it is my home.

Number 8  (Five X Reader) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя