Grooming and Politics

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So this story is dedicated to my friends Leo and Hockey Stick. Please thank them for this masterpiece...

Cory and Tony were in the white house together for a special gathering. It wasn't long before Tony got him alone "Alright. I came for you. So you better give me what I want kid." Cory just looks at him in confusion. "What do you mean? I'm not giving you anything." He says in a stern tone. "But I came all this way for you. I don't understand, why wouldn't you want my hot body?" "Because I'm 15, you're 21 years old. I'm not having sex with an adult. Why don't you go out there and talk about politics like all the old people? Sicko." This makes Tony heat up in rage. He pushes Cory against the wall, getting really up close to the kid before him. 'hot.' Tony thought for a second, he looked down as he saw the child's bonher 'mmmmm sexy' "You SLUT you want me don't you?" "NO! You're going to have to fight me for this." "Well we have no weapons'." They thought for a moment, how would they fight? Fist fight, nahh too boring for this fic to handle. "OH I GOT IT!" Tony shouts.

"We will fight with our cocks." He then says as Cory looks at him in disbelief. "Woah there Tony you better calm down, I mean, mines HUGE and yours... well I haven't seen a boner from you at all this evening and I KNOW how excited you are to see me." "Shut up and fight me!" He already has his pants off, cock out, and there it is. It is so disgustingly small. Micro-penis would be an understatement. He couldn't believe he was doing this. 

The battle begins, the two hunch their waists out in swinging motions. Cory's cock being so big he hits Tony's. Tony, with a blush on his face, moans. Because that hurt his baby penis. And now, it's bleeding. Blood everywhere. Cory's gargantuan dick must've been too big it sliced Tony's little carrot off. Cory was the winner. He claimed his victory by picking the shriveled peen up off the floor and with one gulp it was gone and down the mans stomach. He ate his penis. Tony was left to bleed out as Cory walked off. 

He won... but, at what cost? Looking back at Tony Cory felt a weight in his chest. He had to go back for him he had to tell him the one thing he couldn't! But as he ran back to the bleeding penis man, he had passed. He was dead. Cory would never be able to tell the man, the only man he had ever loved. That he wanted a restraining order. As he screamed out in pain he realized if he's dead he doesn't need a restraining order so he gets up and walks away again. This time he didn't care. Of course he would have to dispose of the body, but he just called his maids and butlers to do that.

The End

The Fight of The Century (Tony Lopez And Cory from Cory's In The House)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن