chapter 1

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  Long ago alien's invaded the earth but no one knew. They hid away watching the human race live. The alien's didn't really invade but more crash landed and were stranded after escaping from their original planets destruction by the Bylows.  They never did manage to get off the planet, but instead observed in a surprise research mission and secretly taking refuge. They kind of looked like some glowing  ethereal squid jellyfish thing. They were symbiotic in nature so they would reside in small creatures and had the ability to give it some sort of power. They called themselves the Trites.

  Fast forward a couple hundred years to when the earth is invaded by another species. The same ones that destroyed the Trites home. The Bylows were some real ugly motherfukers with only the taste for chaos. The Trites could not just let them take another world and tear it to pieces, so the 7 that survived the crash all those years ago made the first contact with the humans. The plan was to bestow the powers they grant to help keep this planet from being ripped apart.

-3 hours before take over -

Sam was your typical introverted high schooler. She didn't want to attend the local fair but didn't really have a choice. Her little brother Auri really wanted to go and their parents were busy. So she threw on a dark hoodie and flipped the hood up before grabbing Auri's hand and leading him outside. He tugged on her sleeve and she sighed before allowing her 6 year old brother to climb on her back in a piggy back ride. As they walk in the direction of the fair, Sam try's not to think about everyone who is going. She really does not want to deal with her classmates or anyone. By all accounts she's the "quite kid" and doesn't want to deal with the social anxiety.
Sam walks up to the lit up field full of rides, games, and food trucks. Auri is mystified by the beautiful area and for the first time in years uses his vocal cords "so pretty". Sam is so shocked she stopped walking and even Almost fell over. When Auri was younger him and mom were held hostage at an attempted robbery. Wrong place wrong time. One of the other hostages right next to them ended up being shot and caused auri to be so traumatized that he went mute. Tears spring to Sam's eyes, having not heard him say a word in forever. She's never been so happy to have taken him somewhere and vows to do more things like this in hopes that he might be healing. Her head bowed, hair covered her eyes as they harden in determination. She feels a pat on her head and looks up at auri who is pointing at the tree line. She didn't see anything so she shrugged her shoulders best she could with a child settled on them.

Her and her brother go and play a few games, getting lemonade and treats as the sky grows darker. Sam noticed the time and a dark feeling settles into her stomach. There is supposed to be a firework show tonight but doesn't know how her brother will handle the loud noise. Fairis wheel and then home she decides, leading the child over to the long line. As much as she didn't want to go she's happy she did.... Until someone from school noticed her and starts whispering to the group of people. She's no stranger to the bullying and frankly she could care less. Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt though. She tried to ignore them but then one of the guys wanders over "hey there weirdo, what brings you and your little brat?" Auri hides behind her legs and sam is torn between taking it like she normally does or talking back for making fun of Auri. "Well speak already, jeez are you both autistic or something? geez you both are so dam rude" The teenager scoffs. Sam grits her teeth before punching him in his stupid face. "Just shut up already Dillion, leave my brother alone! oh and by the way there is more where that came from" she shakes her hand out a bit before realizing she made a scene. Security yellow shirts start moving towards the commotion. Dillion looks scared out of his wits before he quietly walks back over to the group of delinquents. the group both shocked and laughing at dillion (not her problem if he gets made fun of)        Sam picks up her brother and moves so as not to be told off for punching someone no matter how deserving.

Auri stops her before the get too far and points back over to the tree line and for a second she could have sworn she saw something glow. Curiosity takes over and they both go to investigate. Must have been what he saw earlier. The boy peers through the shrubs and lets out a squeaky sound and jumps back a bit. A small bluish looking glow bobbing above the ground hovers between the leaves. The weird looking jellyfish hybrid thing is nothing like what she's ever seen or Learned about in ecology class. It's very small though, about the size of her hand. It's very pretty but she doesn't think it's safe. Auri reaches out to touch it and sam freaks, grabbing him and pulling him back away from it. The small creature startles and started to float away. Auri struggles out of her grip and runs after it. "Wait!" At that moment there is a bright light from behind with a deafening boom that shakes her to the core. A rush of wind accompanied the sudden activity. She hears a bunch of screaming right before She turns to look.
Her body goes cold.
Scary Alien like creatures are tearing people to shreds. Full of panic she screams for her brother, who is cupping his hands with the small jellyfish thing in his hands "AURI GET AWAY FROM IT!" Tears Pool in her eyes thinking for sure they are all gonna die. Her brother yells "NO WE HAVE TO SAVE IT"  they don't have time for this. She shakes her head and runs over lifting him up letting him hold on to the creature not having time to fight about it before breaking into a dead sprint. She hears the most terrifying sound of the aliens screeching bloody murder and more join in. If she survives this it's for sure gonna haunt her for as long as she lives. "Sis they follow!" her brother sobs into her shoulder. No they can't die, it's not fair.
Then The worst thing happens. She trips on a rock and slams face first into the ground and with her speed she tumbles a bit. Letting out a sharp grunt of pain as everything burns, panting for breath after the run. She hears Auri scream suddenly and she looks up. Her heart stops beating and so does her brothers. The Aliens must have caught up.
No. No no no nonononononono this can't be happening. She stares on in shock at the monster continues to stab at her brothers body.

She just watched as her brother was murdered.

Eyes burn with tears and anger overwhelmed everything. She has always had muted emotions but this all consuming grief quickly turns hot. She screams in anger and tackled the monster that's twice her size. It tries to claw her off it's back and a bright light appears. A warmth fills her and all of a sudden she feels like she's the center of the universe and everything is silent. She opens her eyes and everything is in sharp focus, her hands seem to move on their own. with that, Her arm is plunged deep between the armored plating in the monsters back. 

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