Please and thank you

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POV: I am a lonely soul craving comfort and he is also a British Gentleman from the 1800s

I hear the front door open and my heart starts pounding. I know I need to get up and close the room door before he notices I'm here but I can't bring myself to move. My hands remain lifeless on my legs but my fingers tense and my nails dig into my skin, trying to contain my emotions. I hear him walk through the house, the clatter of keys and shifting of his jacket from his body to the coat rack. 

He yawns and sighs, exhausted after a long day but even then he looks for me, "Darling, are you home?" he says.

It's crazy how I'm sitting here not wanting him to see me but just knowing he's nearby is comforting and my heart beat calms down a little. That is until he walks up to the room and slows down in front of the door noticing it is half open and that the lights are off. The door slowly swings open making a very slight noise and a small smile appears on my face despite everything because I know he thinks I'm asleep and he cares enough that he doesn't want to wake me up.

Voltiaere sits beside me and lays his hand on my back, "Darling, what's wrong?"

I just sit in silence my body in conflict because I want to open up to him but I also have retreated way too far into myself to do that. 

Voltiaere realizes that I won't answer and instead he starts rubbing my back in solid strokes up and down. As time passes, I relax into his hand and slowly my body moves. It starts with where his hands are, as he moves his hand up my back, it curves and my head turns up with my eyes closed. My hands fall to the bed and his hand stops on the back of my neck. He turns me around and pulls me into his embrace. 

"I hope you realize that you are a wonderful and beautiful being. Whatever happened today, does not make you any less amazing and I'm here to let you know that you'll always have my love and support, you'll always be my darling." he says softly, but in a firm tone and I know that is because he wants me to keep these words in my heart. 

I have my my face buried in his chest, so it comes out as a mumble when I say, "Yea, but-".

He suddenly pulls me away and says, "You know I don't like it when you mumble, now repeat that again, properly this time." 

I nod nervously and look down, sad I disappointed him but I make sure to clearly reply this time by saying, "Yes I know but sometimes I feel like a burden to... to you and everyone around me. I just hate hurting people but it happens and then other people hurt me back and I just want to be shut into my room, under my blankets until I can't feel anything anymore. I feel like being numb would be so much easier but it's so hard not to feel." 

He holds my face in his hands and says, "First, I'm proud of you for having the courage and trust to tell me how you feel. Everyone has a time where they just want to give up but I'm here to encourage you and help you get back up on your feet and feel like living again."

He kisses my forehead and my eyes closed automatically. The feel of his lips made me feel like I was forgiven for everything bad in my life, even myself, it made me feel warm and loved. 

Voltiaere continues speaking, "There are people in this world that are happy to have you here, your family, your friends, people who work with you or even those blessed by the smile you give as you walk by as stranger and want to be polite. It's okay to retreat into your shell, it's okay to cry or to feel like you want to hide. Just know that once you have released all that emotion, you can fill your now empty cup with new feelings, even if it can't be self-love right now, you can start with curiosity, discover new things about yourself and the world."

"Really? Is that really okay? Am I really okay to be like this?" I ask, hesitantly. 

"Darling, you're more than okay, you're human and that is incredible already. You can be anything you want to as long as you put in the effort, just give yourself the time. There is still a life to live, and a life to enjoy. What more, with me by your side, it will be an unbelievably interesting journey." he says, putting me at ease. 

My heart starts to overflow with a warm emotion, I find the name of this emotion and express it directly to the cause, because he deserves to know.

"I love you, thank you for being here. Can you please just hold me?" I whisper, looking up into his eyes, hopeful and a bit embarrassed at being vulnerable in front of him. 

"Anytime you want, darling. You have exclusive access to these arms." he says as he wraps his arms around me. 

~The End~

(Author's Note: I am sorry for the mushy mess written above, I tried my best and I hope whoever reads this can connect with this in some way. If you relate to the sadness and loneliness above, please know that I do believe what I have written, it takes time but things get better so just be strong and even if it is a temporary distraction, if watching content creators like Danny Phantom exe makes you feel better, that is completely fine)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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