Lucky(Nagito x Reader

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A/N: For the sake of this being my first FanFic, this is gonna be an AU where the game never happens! I tried my best the make it readable for all genders, lmk if you have any tips or changes I should take into consideration!

It was your first day at Hopes Peak, you had just moved into town after getting accepted as the Ultimate Y/T. You were a few weeks late because you had to deal with unpacking. You were excited to start school here.

You started walking up the short flight of stairs to open the doors to Hopes Peak, stopping for a millisecond as you rest your hand on the handle, a tiny wave of nervousness running through you.

  It's now or never you thought to yourself and finally pushed open the door. The inside of the building was surprisingly normal compared to what you expected. You quickly started looking for the main office, eager to start class, only to get lost.

That's when you heard another student coming, and when the white haired male rounded the corner you took your opportunity. "H-hey I'm new here do you happen to know where the office is". You hollered at the male hoping he heard. He seemed confused for a second, looked around, then realized that you were, indeed talking to him.

"Oh yeah I can show you, I'm actually heading there now" he said catching up. You could've sworn you heard him mumble something about being lucky. "Alright thank you!" You said back smiling. You walked in silence for about a minute until you spoke up.

"My names F/N L/N, Ultimate Y/T it's nice to meet you."You introduced yourself hoping to get the quiet male to talk, or at least tell you his name. "My names Nagito Komaeda, and my useless talent is Ultimate Lucky Student." He said shrugging off his talent. "Woah what do you mean useless, that's an awesome power to have!" You walked backwards in front of him, hoping to cheer him up with encouragement. Oh I know, it won't hurt to get his number in case I need help getting around the school you thought to yourself. "Sooo you know the school pretty well?" You asked. "Like the back of my hand" he said back with a slight smile. Just do it why are you nervous, I mean sure hes cute but it's just gonna be until you can find your way around you huffed getting mad at yourself for being nervous. "Hey Nagito, I was wondering if I could, um, get your number, yknow, just in case I get lost again" you were surprised it was even audible. "Wow it really must be my lucky day, first I meet a really attractive person, then I get their number" he smiled already holding out his phone waiting for you to put your number in.

  You exchanged numbers and soon after arrived at the office, which was on the opposite side of the campus you were on. "Thanks for bringing me here Nagito" you said smiling. "You're welcome Y/N, I'll catch you later," he said as he turned away.

  You walked into the office but then it hit you. Didn't he say he needed to come here too? You put that thought on hold as you got your schedule from the office lady, who thankfully gave you a map as well. After that you headed towards your homeroom.

-time skip brought to you by Monomi-

It has been a few months since you started school at Hopes Peak and you had become good friends with Nagito. Ugh where is he, we're supposed to eat together today you started worrying and didn't even realized when someone was walking up behind you until they put their hand on your shoulder, making you jump.

"Sorry if I startled you Y/N" Nagito said with a closed eyed smile. "It's fine, let's get going I'm hungry" you pulled him to the cafeteria and after y'all got your food, you got your favorite F/F, and he got some bagels, as usual, you headed to your spot under the cherry blossom tree where no one would bother you.

"So Y/N, anyone here catch your eyes yet" Nagito asked, causing you to blush. I can't tell him who, he'd probably hate me you panicked inside for a second, only to realize he was still waiting for an answer. "Well yeah actually, he's really cool, but he probably wouldn't like someone like me" you said trying not to seem nervous. "Oh, whoever it is, is really lucky" Nagito replied quietly. He stood up starting to pack his stuff.

"Hey lunch isn't over yet whe-" "I have to get some stuff done for class" he said cutting you off and walking away. You sat for a second before deciding to head to class.

And that's when he started ignoring you.

That's it you thought to yourself, it had been nearly a week since Nagito started avoiding you. He started showing up to class earlier so he wouldn't bump into you, so you decided to go in early and get to the bottom of it. You got there thirty minutes early and waiting by his desk. About ten minutes later the door opened and Nagito walked in, and almost immediately turned around upon seeing you.

"Hey!" You shouted rushing up to him and grabbing his arm, pulling him back into the classroom and shutting the door. He just stood there quietly. "Okay what's up, you've been acting like I don't exist and I don't even know why, I mean did I do something to upset you" you asked in a huff. "I just decided trash like me shouldn't be around someone like you" he said with no emotion. You slammed your hands down on the desk causing him to look at you with surprise. "Goddammit Nagito quit calling yourself trash. What makes you think you shouldn't be around me!" You shouted, as your hands starting to shake. He looked at the ground and barely whispered, "I didn't want to come in between you and the person you like". You looked at him in shock. "Nagito, you idiot" you shouted as you walked up to him. "Y/N, for your sake I want to stop being friends" he said turning away from you walking towards the door. Those words were the last straw, and before you knew it you were crying. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Hey a girl/guy/person like you shouldn't be crying because of trash like me" he stated as though it was an obvious fact. "Don't y-you get it Nagito" you choked out trying to stop the tears. "You're the one I like Nagito. Don't you get that" you said quietly looking up at him, only getting a shocked reaction for him, but still no words. "Forget it, I knew the feelings weren't the sa-" and next thing you know arms were wrapped around you.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't know, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" he said as he put his head on yours "But I hope you know I do feel the same, I've liked you since we met that day in the hallway". You smiled at this and finally returned the hug. As the 5 minute bell rang you both let go and sat at your seats next to each other.

"Hey Y/N, I think you might be right about my talent being good. Because right now I'm the luckiest guy in the world" he said smiling and giving you a quick wink before your classmates started coming in.

A/N: Sorry if that was long, or if it was bad, I'm newer to writing fan fiction. Feel free to leave request in the comments, and I hope you enjoy this and enjoy the chapters to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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