Beastars: Curtain Call

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Beastars: Curtain Call

Disclaimer: The following is fan based literature. Beastars and Beast Complex is owned by Paru Itagaki, Viz Media, and Weekly Shonen Champion. Please support the official release.

The purpose of this fanfiction is to be an extension to the official ending to Beastars. If you haven't finished the Beastars manga, this is your first and final spoiler warning. Proceed at your own risk. In no way is it meant to compete with Paru Itagaki's ending, only to provide some much needed closure on some events if that is what you seek. Certain characters were given changes based on how they were left without a conclusion. Lastly, I would like to thank Paru for all she's done. Beastars was a fantastic series and though it didn't end the way some of us expected, it was still a fun ride. Thank you.

To my Moving Along readers, I haven't forgotten about you. There will be information about my state of affairs at the end of this book if you wish to skip to that. :3

Now without further ado, I present Beastars: Curtain Call.

I ran through the black market as fast as my short legs could take me. Different herbivore smells hit my nostrils as I ran past the different shops, but I paid them no mind. Labradors like myself had that ravenous instinct genially bred out of them. However, the further I ran, the stronger the stench of death got as it intermingled with the countless herbivore parts for sale. From chicken to freshly slaughtered deer, I could identify just about every scent as they attempted to ensnare my senses. This only served to make me more anxious than I already was.

Legoshi hadn't told me what he was doing tonight, what he'd planned to do. It was only a courtesy text from Haru that'd filled me in on the situation. Legoshi was going to be fighting the new leader of the Shishigumi to the death for control of the black market. All that stuff he'd told me and the rest of 701 about chasing that criminal was true, but I never would have guessed it was a crime boss he was after. Had I known, I would've...ok what could I have realistically done? Once that big dumb wolf decided on something, there was no stopping him.

My train of thought was interrupted at a familiar scent intermingled with all the flesh. The scent of home. The scent of Legoshi. He was close and his scent trail only got stronger the further I ran into the depths. Worryingly, my surroundings got worse as well. What seemed to be left of a turkey restaurant had been smashed to bits. The only indicator that it WAS a restaurant was the smashed statue of a cartoon turkey mascot's head laying on its side with its eyes crossed out. Not a great omen. Another shop to my right was just a pile of bricks with no indicator as to what stood previously other than the lingering stench of rotted swine. I swallowed hard to fight back the urge to dry heave.

Ahead of me, the streets were illuminated by the blazing light of numerous torches that burned bright by the smell of...carnivore blood?? Yeah that was carnivore blood I smelled. I could pick out those scents too. Leopard, Komodo, Lion, and WOLF??? DEER?? Just what was going on here?? Anxiety morphed into a fast growing terror in the pit of my stomach that spurred me to run even faster. Nails stabbed at my lungs that I stubbornly ignored until I emerged at the center of it all. Carnivores and Herbivores alike were crowded around something with piqued interest. For a moment it seemed they'd forgotten one another's roles in favor of what was happening in front of them.

I did my best to push past them despite being the smaller one in the pack. A few pardon me's and apologetic noises later, I broke through to the front. What I saw almost made my heart leap out of its chest. I would've yelped in shock had the air not left my body all at once.

Directly at the center of the wide clearing, having a standoff, were Legoshi and some weird looking gazelle. The gazelle was covered in what looked like leopard spots on about half of his body while the other half had numerous melon leaves of differing shapes and sizes. But that wasn't the weird part. Where flat herbivore teeth in his muzzle should be, there were long sharp fangs that protruded outward as the odd creature grinned with menace at my best friend. Long gashes that stretched across his bare chest oozed with crimson in such a way that it looked as though it dripped from the melon leaves themselves. The gray wolf looked more than a little worse for wear himself. Blood flowed freely from his left eye which was barely open at this point while his right ear was missing entirely.

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