Bla Tra

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"it's shiny," I said. "I suppose now have to start making kissing sounds and say 'mua'. "

My mother elbowed me and smiled sweetly at the owner of the house before dragging me away. Bathroom emergency.

"What are you doing?" she hissed, looking around to see if anyone else had witnessed the scene.


"That guy owns this freakishly shiny house, Shawn!"

"And he should be very proud."

"Hey!" she said, loud enough to. draw the attention of a few of the part goers.

I waved them away. "Mind your own business."

My mother shook her head in astonishment. "Why are you like this? "

"Oh, so now I have to give you reasons." I said.

"um, yes."

"well I'm not having it!"

"are you drunk?" my mother asked. "because I don't think drinking is your thing."

"and the fact that I'm underage."

"that honestly didn't occur to me."

My father stepped between us suddenly, cutting our conversation short. "people are staring," he muttered tightly.

"yeah dad, stop embarrassing us."

The edge of his mouth twitched with the hint of a smile, my father fighting to surpress his grin.

He caught sight of someone in the distance and his expression changed into something dignified.

"come on," dad said, grabbing hold of my mother's hand. "i'll introduce you."

As they made their way through the crowd, a waved a hand from behind. "don't bother introducing you oh so brilliant son."

He didn't bother introducing me.

Hi, so I wrote this chapter a long time ago, and then stopped mid way so the next part will be out probably tomorrow or the day after:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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