Chapter 1

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She learned that red was her favorite color. Why wouldn't it be? She saw it every day, if not from herself than others.

"Shadow!" A fist pounded on the metal door of the cell. She opened her eyes, head spinning as she wakened for the day. The door slid open to reveal his hideous face. "Up." The man snapped. She never knew his name. Only knew him as the man to order her around. She stood, head heavy on her shoulders and legs weak. The blood that she shed the night before now crusted on her face and knuckles. The torn clothes she wore hung loose on her tiny frame. She didn't know the last time she has eaten. "You know your mission." He glared, she nodded her head once before the lights flashed and alarms sounded. Gunshots rang throughout the building. People yelled but she blocked it out. Utterly numb. A hand wrapped around her forearm, pulling her into an armored body. She stared up at the man, a helmet on his head and a mask covering his mouth. The only thing visible were his blue eyes which were ahead of them. He pulled her down the halls, to the doors that were smashed through. She looked up at the night sky, not a star visible. The grip on her arms lifted her into an ambulance and sat her on a bed. Her mind was an empty void.

"Blood loss and concussion." A figure spoke, a flashlight shining into her eyes. A sharp pain formed in her forearm. She looked down at the needle in her arm, liquid flowing into it. Her head spun, her vision fading. One-second she was sitting up right, the next she was on her back staring at the ceiling as her eyes fluttered shut. 

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