Chapter 5

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After the investigation, André drove me back to the apartment.

he kept insisting that it would be best for me to stay at his place, I politely decline not wanting to see his face outside of work or when I wake up or go to sleep.

"Mazzarella, you shall stay at mine or my parents until everything lays down and the guy is caught" With a shake of my head and a roll of my eyes pretending this conversation is best to be over.

the car then pulls up right in front of the complex, I bolt out and run inside knowing André was probably going to lock me and get my things or something of a sort creep like that.

"Ceecee hold the door, hold the door" Ceecee was a nice lady, she was in her late 30s, and had her own little bakery just down the road from the apartments.

"Hello, sweet cakes how are you?"

I smile at her sweet greetings, she is always bright and just something of her makes the days much better.

"I'm doing well thank you, how are you?"

"I'm doing swell everything is good, you should stop by the shop sometimes, the kids miss you as well" I nod and smile in response.


The door opens to her floor and we wave out our leaves and so I then go to my place. When I got to unlock it the door was suddenly already open.

I had grabbed a knife from the kitchen and was ready to stab the next culprit that was in my bedroom. They then had walked out and into the small hallway and that when I had charged at them, punching them in the lower area just then they grabbed my shirt pulling me with them.

I have gotten on top raising the knife over my head and going down to strike them. "Stop it's me!" The voice had rung through.

"André?" I got up to turn on the light and there he was swiveling up and bleeding all over my carpet. "Why the fuck are you in my apartment, I thought you had already left?"

"Feeling of pain, ah" I sigh a huff and roll my eyes, I then pick him up and push him into the bathroom.

"Aww, you're going to nurse back to- ahh what the hell!?" I smile and laugh at his pain.

"Don't be such a baby, it's only alcohol, now why are you here, though you already left"

"I told you before it's not safe here,e for the time being, they haven't caught him yet," I huff and glared at him through my glasses.

Once I'm done torching him with the alcohol I wrap the plaster around and for giggles, I slap his hand making him wince in pain. "I told you that I'll be fine here, I know how to offend for myself been doing this since I was small" That last part is said under my breath from him not to hear but he mostly heard correctly.

"Besides this happens all the time it's no big deal for me, now you need to go on home and do whatever other rich people do" I then punched him out the door, ready to close it in his face.

Before I can slam the door André puts his foot in wince in pain "the answer is still no, It's hard enough to work and be in the SAME city-" He reached over and the next thing I know everything went pitch black.

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