Examen de Admisión

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You could see a green- haired child being used as guinea pigs for a mad scientist who is under the command of the woman who promised to take care of him and managed to call her mother.

The only thing he felt is.....Nothing...adsulutammente nothing , he did not  feel any feelings , dollars or any concern , he is only waiting for his death to know if in his next life he deserved something better

But one day during the week an explosion broke out in the laboratory , you take the opportunity to escape but it was in vain because the fire spreads quickly .

Everything seemed like its end but as a last chance he took a blue bottle , seconds passed and nothing happened, he let himself fall into the flame but when he touched them they all entered the green -haired man 's body .

End of memory

We can see/read Izuku walking through the streets of the city accompanied by Eri, his destination is the most prestigious Hero school in Japan the UA

Some will wonder why she doesn't
go on her motorcycle because little Eri wanted to go looking around the city calmly.

He spent around 40 minutes walking and Albina got tired, the green-haired man had no choice but to carry her on his shoulders.

They walked a little more until they reached the entrance to the UA.

They walked a little more until they reached the entrance to the UA

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