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Me: Who likes rules?

You: Has she gone cuckoo?

Me: I don't even know why I asked that. Rules are necessary, unfortunately, so we've tried to keep ours as simple as possible!

😅Rule number 1: Follow this account and your hosts, Xandra, Kitty, Ashley and Maxxie (aka the great me). Our accounts are Truly_me17meow16_Nimbus_firebolt and the best (me), queenieexxx.

😅Rule number 2: Add this book to your library and reading list! And give us a shoutout, tagging us! This is so that you can get updates, and so that we can get more people to know about us!

😅Rule number 3: You MUST have Discord. That's where we operate, mostly, so you'd be missing out if you didn't have it. If you don't have it and are willing to get it, we're willing to make one for you, if you're facing difficulties!

😅Rule number 4: Be nice. I'm sorry, but none of us want to deal with fights or people being rude. We welcome everyone equally, and are a peaceful community Bullying, discrimination... all of that AIN'T TOLERATED HERE! The password is 'bunniesareevil'.

Totally not me having a feud with a friend.

And, that's it! Nothing else! Now, let's move on to the roles!

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