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Thou raving epitomes of energy and exuberance,

Thou foster-children of challenging  times;

O backbenchers! none can express more sweetly,

Thy flowery tales , than my humble  rhymes.

Fair youths ,who hath not seen thee oft,

Drowsed by the lull of  labouring lessons ?

Hiding behind the strawberry bush,

Seeking solace in frivolous passions.

Thy hair uplifted by gel and spray,

Flamboyant and suave thy radiant faces,

Dampened by splash of dewy fragrance,

Elated by dreams of jaunty places.

There are no spirits quite like thee,                                                                           

So what if thy deeds eclipse thy glories?                                                                           

Here’s a salute to thy resilience,                                                                             

That evokes praise and fond memories!

 “Youth is a beautiful dream, but its sweetness is enslaved by the dullness of books.” - Kahlil Gibran

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2012 ⏰

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