Funeral Voices Part 5

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The dragged on. Alex hadn't gone to school even though, secretly, he had wanted to. He would have preferred to escape back into normal life - the clang of the bell, the crowds of familiar faces - instead of sitting there, trapped inside the house.

But he had to be there for the visitors who came throughout the morning and the rest of the afternoon. There were 5 of them.

A solicitor who knew nothing about a will, but seemed to have been charged with organizing the funeral.

A funeral director who had been recommended by the solicitor.

A vicar - tall, elderly - who seemed disappointed that Alex didn't look more upset.

A neighbor from across the road - how did she even know that anyone had died?

And finally a man from the bank.

Alex Rider Stormbreaker (x reader) (on hold) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt