Unexpected Affection

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Haruhi knew what kind of guy Kyoya was. He wasn't overly affectionate and typically kept to himself. He didn't cause a fuss and was usually the host club's savior financially. That's why she was awestruck at the fact that on the day that marked one month of them being together, she had received a bouquet of assorted wild flowers (she thought roses were too cliché) with a note that read "To the one I hold dear. -Kyoya." She had grinned like the Cheshire cat and put them in a vase in her room. Looking at the vase, she remembered the day she had met Kyoya, and how he had instantly interested her. She would've never guessed then that he would reciprocate that interest.

Over the last month, things had been great. It was awkward at first, being stared at in school, being a couple in general, etc. But the whole host club had been very supportive, Tamaki was no exception. He had wished them the best and then excused himself for a bit. She had been quite surprised by his words. Kyoya simply thanked him and smiled a small smile. On the day of their one month-aversary, Kyoya had asked Haruhi to come over to his house after school. She agreed and called her dad to tell him.

She'd arrived to find a beautiful candlelight dinner made by none other than Kyouya himself.

"I didn't know you could cook." She had said with a smile.

"Tamaki insisted upon it after he took it upon himself to start calling my mommy. He said that it made the role more genuine. Thankfully, it has indeed come in handy." He was genuinely happy that he had learned. After all, it had brought a smile to his love's face. He escorted Haruhi to her seat and pulled it out for her. After she was seated comfortably seated, he served dinner.

Haruhi nearly died of laughter when he lifted the lid from the platter.

It was fancy tuna.

After they ate, Kyouya convinced her to dance with him. They twirled slowly to the soft music for what seemed like forever and no time at all at the same time. And even though neither was particularly fond of cheesy romance, they were both utterly content.

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