Chapter 4

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 Group Chat - Ballerina Gang 🩰✨💪🏼

Emilie - french frie

Elena - fashionista

Kath - walking disaster

french frie

omg guys!!!!

What have I done pls help me!!!!!




geez Emilie calm down

walking disaster

Hey I'm here what's the tea?


no idea the french frie over there still hasn't said anything 

french frie

I basically just FLIRTED with Tom FUCKING Holland

walking disaster

OMMGG I am literally dying right now what did he say????  I want all the details


where are the screenshots?

french frie 


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omg girrll

walking disaster

I ship it


Kath I think our SHIP IS SAILING !!!

our mission to get Emilie her man has started

walking disaster 

and it's fricking TOM HOLLAND

french frie

Omg guys stopp he is just a friend


says the one that literally just told us she was flirting with him...

french frie

maybe I was flirting with him, I mean he is kinda hot and cute not gonna lie but he would never want me 

I mean he is fucking Spiderman and I am just some mediocre Ballet dancer

walking disaster

have you got eyes? can you read? he told you you looked good and that he can't wait to see you again!!!


btw what are you doing on monday?

french frie

he just asked me if we could get some coffee or smth 

walking disaster

omg he basically asked you on a date ahhhh

and I thought I was the walking disaster

french frie 

even if he was there is no way he actually likes that way

he probably just wants to be friends wich still is super cool 

I just don't wanna get my hopes up


very wise choice

but don't ever think you wouldn't deserve somebody like him because you deserve the world

walking disaster

yeah don't give us that "I don't deserve somebody like him" shit

french frie


I'll keep you updated 

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