the great encounter part 1

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Violet pov

Hello my name is Violet Maxwell, there is no one who knows about my secret except for my two best friends Brianna and Skye. The reason I trust them it's because my best friends each are in a curse of their own my best friends Skye she has been cursed with being a shapeshifter, my friend Briana is stuck as a person who turns into many animals when she's scared or in any other mood. That's the reason I can trust them with my secret, today was a weird encounter today I met a boy who was cursed with an unusual curse his name is Richard he was cursed with the strongest power by unlocking your mind with one touch and he can read your mind and bring back the past you never remembered he done it to me once that I must tell you about it.

October 25th 1999

Violet pov

I in my usual spot like I always am every morning when I take the bus or when my mom drop me off sitting by the stairs with my friend Brianna we're waiting for my friend Skye, because she was running late like she usually does. While we were waiting Brianna was telling me something about her friend who was transferring to are school. I was happy to go ahead and meet them. Did I almost forget to mention that I am wearing my hood and not my glasses. While we are waiting Brianna's friend came over and he had someone that I never met I got a weird vibe from him, he was coming closer I notice he had a hood on as well I forgot I wasn't wearing my glasses on so I had to tell my friend that I was leaving when he noticed me, he try to stop me, but turns out someone else tried take off my hood so I tried to hurt them it turns out they pushed me over the rail of the second floor I guickly grabbed on to the rail before I fell to the floor. The guy who was coming after me try grabbing my hand to help me out  once I grabbed his hand I noticed something weird happening it felt like someone was unlocking something in the back of my mind. Once I was over the rail I was trying to concentrate more, but my vision was going blurry then I blacked out I didn't know what was happening all I hearing was mumbling everywhere I didn't know what was going on or anything else or even what they were saying.

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