the beginning

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This is a story about how became the number 1 hero Weapon XI DeadPool (f/n)(l/n). So there you are young (f/n) playing with your friends bakuguo and midoriya you fall into the water they help you up. you have ancestry from every where when you parents are both European American and you all live in japan . Your mutation makes it so your bones are made of shark cartilage which is stronger and more flexible than human bone and have 1 cartilage shaped katana in each hand come from in between your middle knuckles you awaken after it befor high school


Your at the quirk doctor and you are so excited your moms their with you
She hands you your deadpool action figure

Docter: so your son has quirk and it has lots of heroic potential

You: omg omg what is it what is it

Docter:woah woah their kiddo it seems to be and evolved version of semi-powerful quirk that quirk is called super power it enhances strength and with that its an emitter
Yours is an mutation
Its called super human you also have a secondary quirk which is unheard of its a really power regeneration quirk capable of Resurrection its also mutation so kid from my personal o pinion you have the potential of being the number hero

You: im gonna be the number 1 hero one day better than all might momma
Mom: you will my little deadpool

Time skip

You all share your quirks and everything is canon until the high school so

Teacher: so what do you all wanna do when you grow up who am i kidding i know you all wanna be heros * they all start using their quirks * its till class you can't use your quirks

Angry pomerian: teach don't knock me in with these rejects they be lucky to be a side kick to some busted d lister

Teacher: i also have 3 applications to UA

Boom boi: who else applied to ua other than me and my rival (f/n) (l/n)
You know who it is as you walk to midoriya desk as the teacher reveals who it is
You:midoriya i say this as a friend you can't be hero i mean you could get the bod of a hero and fight small fry villains but they'd kill your in a serious situation like a robbery they won't hesitate so just become a doctor or become the most important quirkless person or maybe an inventor of hero technology for me and bakugou
Midoriya: b b but (f/n) its always been my dream
You : i know but i don't want you to die
Bakugou just smirked cause in a way you put him down like an animal in a respectful way

End if school same things happens when midoriya asks all might if he can be a hero the sludge villains drops and bakuguo gets trapped you see midoriya run
You: damn it midoriya. You run at the sludge villain unleashing your bone katana cutting the villains eye

Sludge villains: aggghhhhh damn kid ! He starts swing in random directions looking for you

All might buffs up and punch's the villain causing it to rain

You all get interviewed
You get pissed off that the people are praising bakugou and scolding midoriya
You: oi stop scolding the hero of this situation he acted up without a second thought and he risked his life while the civilians and the heros stood back and he's quirkless he was more of hero than the actually hero's today he is true hero and your all fakes . You said in an pissed off voice similar to bakugou everyone was shocked and had a face of shame on their faces when they realized you were right. you walk away from the situation to get ice cream after

3 weeks later

You see an lady an help her a cross the street you then see her get mugged and you Chased after the she run into an alley she shoved a rag into you face you saw a glimpse of her face she had blue eye and burnt purple skin. End chapter 701 words

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