side chapter: midoriya origin's

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At the ending of the ten month's midoriya was scream at the top of the juno pile his fists are clenched the bones claws slowly extract out of hands he see's them and get more stressed and pass's out from stress he lands on a sharp pile of metal also piercing his brain all migjt is shocked and his crying but retrieves midoriya's body and is about to call miss midoriya but midoriya starts to wake
Toshinori: young midoriya your alive he said in happiness i choose to inherit one for all
Everything goes as canon until the hero's vs villains

Katsuki also unlocks his mutation its make him more animalistic in nature and his nails sharpen really sharp capable of cutting red wood

There they are katsuki vs midoriya knows he can't win with 1 for all so ex extracts his bones claws to katsuki's surprise

Bakugo: so little deku unlocked his mutation everyone has one but now i guess i have to respect a bit more but so do eye * as he tosses his grenade gauntlets aside and his gloves his nails start sharpening and growing
They battle it out until midoriya collapses uraraka touches the bomb
Bakugou is standing over midoriya
He stomps his bone claws
Midoriya lets a loud scream of pain
Bakuguo: even now deku I'm better than you
time skip
Here now in the cafeteria midoriya looks at his stumps and lets out a
What happens is that midoriya is talking about how his class are broken momo explains how could make his claws metal and possible hi entire skeleton but they have no way inject or heat it and midoriya could die but
Explains he came back to when something penetrated his brain
A kid over hears and says his quirk can freely control metal like magneto from the american comics
But they still have way to heat it then a blonde kid walks toward them and says i can heat but i need a fire source like a lighter okay. it is  now at the end of school they walk to a cool lake momo makes the metal mixture of stainless steel tungsten and chromium and some vibranium this the metal substance is the only metal that can stand up to your proto-adamantium
Midorya also has an oxygen mask
The blonde burns the metal the silver haired kid moves the metal into midoriya's body have to burn the flesh and skin to move it self onto midoriya's the metal starts to cool but midoriya dies they started to freak out but his flesh and skin starts healing and wakes up under water and starts trashing frantically moving to shore
He gives great thanks
Momo makes a suit case full of American money hands 1 to each of them now back to the main story

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