Chapter Two: Their Here

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After greeting all the family. I was waiting for Bow and Landon to get to my house so I could see Bow. I saw the door open. It was Bow!!!

"Where's my Amber?" said Bow in his cute little southern accent he has.

"I'm here!" I said running up to Bow.
I embraced Bow.

"I haven't seen you in like forever" said Bow hugging me tight and holding my close. Bow's head was on the top of my head and my head was lying on his chest.

"I know" I said while Bow started stroking my hair.

"Hey it's you twin/cousin Landon right here" said Landon waving his arms in the air.

"Hold on!" I said to Landon.

"I missed you Bow....." I said.

"I missed you more! your the one that didn't tell me you were going to LA and getting a famous YouTuber boyfriend" said Bow.

"Sorry I thought it would be better if you didn't know I was leaving...." I said.

"Well that didn't help. But I'm just so fucking glad to have you here in my arms" said Bow.

"Me too!'' I said.

"Amber Masters paging Amber Masters. you still haven't have your cousin Landon a hug yet" said Laden. After that me and Bow stopped hugging.

"Fine. LOVE YOU ASSHOLE!!<3" I said then gave Landon a bear hug.

"* muffle muffle muffle* Amber! *muffle muffle muffle* can't breath! * muffle muffle*" said Landon then I finally let go.

"Ok ok I let go" I said then pat Landon on the head.

"Hey Amber" said Bow.

"Ya Bow?" I said.

"Town & Country Days is coming up and I wanna know if you would wanna go with me?" said Bow.

"Of corse it will be like the old days when we were younger and you got that grape slushy and you made me put my finger in it and taste it because you thought it was so good" I said then we laughed.

"Ya. remember when Landon and Natalie shared that Italian ice." Bow said.

"Ya.....remember the time you ditched me because you had to go home and I didn't notice then when I saw you where gone I freaked out." I said.

"Ya....sorry about freaked out?" asked Bow.

"Well ya of course......." I said.

"I didn't know you liked me then.....why didn't you tell me?" said Bow.

"I didn't think you would like I didn't say anything...." I said blushing.

"Well......I kinda come on I made you dip your finger in my slushy just so you could taste how good it was.......the funny part was that you did it and I was drinking out of it..." said Bow.

" didn't matter we were 10" I said.

"Ya" said Bow.

"Hey guys get out of flash back land and come fricking pay attention to other family." said Landon.

"Well I'm not related to anyone here" said Bow.

"I know" said Landon.

"Hey Bow lets go talk to my brother" I said.

"Ok!'' said Bow then we went over to my brother.

Hope you guys are enjoying so far!
More to come! I might do a chapter just about what the characters look like.But any way love y'all!
Peace Out,

After Summer ( a Trevor Moran fanfic ) part two of Summer BrakeWhere stories live. Discover now