Short Story

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I hadn't realized how many hours passed until my god mother, Daisy, came in for dinner. Didn't realized she was there until a big scream came through my door. She didn't like males. "Boyfriends are for hunters. You never find the right one, and my dear, you're not a hunter." she always said that. James was woken by the high-pitched scream too. Before I could say anything, she took off her shoe and beat him with it and then me, which was unusual for her.

"Nonna, Nonna. Calm. He's a friend. He brought me home from support group. He needed a warm place to stay" I said gently. James didn't tell me much about his past but from what he mentioned at in support group is that he usually sleeps in the back of trucks or hotels which is where weird people usually hang out, so he stays with his great aunt Izz which makes him sleep on the floor with barely any blankets. So, taking parts of hints of stories, I pieced together his life wasn't all that great either and that he wanted somewhere to stay. Possibly forever. He moved in. His aunt never called to check in. And we never dated until about a year and a half later. I remember like it was yesterday.

We were walking back home from school just like any other day and he had something on his mind, but I wasn't quite sure what it was. So, it was silent for about 30 minutes. He turned around and sat on the park bench. "Riley, you've liked me for a while, haven't you?" Those words went right through me 'Riley, you've liked me for a while, haven't you?' He knew everything didn't he? "Uh, possibly, why?" I said. It was windy outside, and I had no jacket. I always left my jacket in my locker, so I had one at school. He handed me his sweatshirt. "You say a lot of things Riley. You say no one pays attention, but I do. I know you wanted my sweatshirt. I know you want to date me. Thin walls huh? Life gets crazy and you must accept it. So, with. Will you be my girlfriend?" We sat there in silence. The leaves were dancing around us. One flew in his hair. I laughed and took it out. I sat there staring in his beast like eyes. "I'm not waiting all day monkey. It's a simple yes or no. Most likely a no, but it's up to you princess." he said. His face was red as mine usually. Princess? He came up with nicknames, probably whatever he thought of first. "So, let me get this straight... you like me back? I'm not big on dating. It's different when I'm with you. You mean so much to me. Yes, it's been a year since we met. You're now a senior I'm a junior. Which makes you 17 and me 16. Would we work? I'm not sure. It would be a pleasure to call you mine." After I said all of that he was staring at me again, which made me lose thought. James reached in the hoodie pocket I was wearing. He pulled something out.

"I've dated many people Riley and never done this, but this is a promise ring. Be mine until I can be your forever. Are you willing for that Riley? I am." James was nervous about this, finally something I could notice. "Oh James" I said. He got on the ground with one knee and put it on me. Yes, he approximately guessed my ring size which he was close. It was a tad too big for my ring finger, but I accepted it. He gently pulled out his phone and headphones from his side pocket. He turned on his favorite song. It was also my favorite song. We enjoyed the same bands, I guess. We sat at the park holding hands for about an hour and then Nonna called.

"Sorry James, I got to take this call" I said. I slid the green button on my phone and answered.

"Hey Nonna!"

"Where are you?"

"The park with James."

"Why so?"

"We wanted to hang out somewhere"

"Oh dear. Please come home. I have fallen in my kitchen and been here for quite a while, please come by." the other end was silent.

James and I quickly hurried back to the apartments and Nonna's apartment were connected to mine. I jabbed the key as quickly as I could. I heard Nonna's terrifying cry. I had got in and realized she was in a lot of pain. She was 73 years old with diabetes and other health problems. She said she couldn't feel her right foot and wanted the doctor, which wasn't like her. I called the ambulance but no answer which was unusual. So, James decided it would be quicker to go in his car rather than waiting for a pickup on the other end. In fact, it was quicker. Nonna's foot wasn't broke, luckily. It was close but just a fracture.                                                              

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