Chapter 1

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Life for Harriet Potter was hard from a young age she had been put in the spotlight of the wizarding world, all because of her parents death and Voldemort's undoing as she had vanquished the dark lord as a baby something everybody seemed to be speculate, she was famous for something she had no control over she was a baby one who was protected with her mothers love, but everybody seemed to love her she was the picture perfect person who people looked up to, yet she hated it with a passion she didn't want to be famous Harriet potter the girl who lived she wanted to be normal and have normal friends and a normal life.

what was worse is what she went through her year's at Hogwarts starting from the philosopher's stone ever year seemed to be something new that put her life in danger it never stopped not only was she malnourished and seriously ill as a child thanks to the Dursleys but she had to face horrors at school her only escape she had to fight Voldemort and watch as people risked there life for her because apparently she was the only one who could vanquish the dark lord all because a stupid prophecy said so and she had no choice but to comply the whole wizarding world relied on her expected a child to fight someone with more powerful magic than she could ever hope and yet it didn't matter.

they wanted her to risk her life for something she wasn't even born into, she had only found out she was a witch at 11 and was always struggling with her studies as she had to worry more about each danger the year brought to her, but it didn't matter as long as she did her job everything was fine, her life had been mapped out for her people wanted her to become a auror because that's what her parents did before they died but most people didn't think she would make it through the war as only one can live as the other survives.

she had also found out her sweet caring headmaster who had faked his death in her 6th year wasn't the person she thought she had trusted him from the very start the man who gave her wisdom and hope with his grandfatherly smile and twinkled eyes behind half spectacled moon glasses who wore funky outfits, it was all a lie he was manipulative and cruel he knew she had to die that she had a living horcrux living inside her, yet he didn't say anything he set up the philosophers stone to see her weaknesses to see if she could truly be the hero he wanted to shape her to be she trusted him with all her heart and she stupidly fell for the act she had never been loved before so she sucked up what people would give her in hopes they would love her back just as much.

some would say Harriet was beautiful some would say she was plain almost boyish in looks growing up but most would say she looked just like lily potter she had flaming red hair that reached her waist in thick shiny curls and bright green emerald eyes that lit up any room she was in she had a small dainty nose with plump pink lips and a freckled face, she was small in height only reaching 5'2 and she was incredibly thin she had a normal sized bust and a small dainty waist she was truly a sight to see.

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