Day 3

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Pete's POV

'Don't Go..' I think as Mr. Stump sassily steps down the stairs. He avoids the tea spill, and heads to the kitchen. I sigh, and sit on the stairs.

5 minutes later, I hear a thump. Yes, I want to see what it is, but I can't.

"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third, what the hell did you do to him." I hear the fragile but stern voice of none other than Moira O'Hara.

"What do you mean?" I ask, did something bad happen. Mr. Stump?

"Mr. Stump, has passed out cold on the floor. Please help me carry him to his bed" and with that, I'm already at the kitchen, and he's already in my arms. I walk up the stairs, and his head rests on my shoulder. Damn, I wish I knew what his name was. Let's guess. Hmm, is it Ray? Nahh, how about Frank? Nope, maybe Brendon? Nuh uh. Victor? No way. Mike? Michael? Mikey? Not at all. He looks like a... fuck I can't remember that name. Did it start with an A? Maybe, so Austin? No. Aaron? No. Alan? NO. Not at all!

"Peter, you look like you are in some deep thought." Moira points out and I sigh.

"I can't figure out his name." She smiles as I place him on his bed. His cat hisses at me, and crawls on top of him.

"One day Peter, he will tell you." She leaves to clean up the tea mess I hope.

I caress his face. Oh Mr. Stump, I hope you're all right.

Patrick's POV

Light sheds upon me, and I wince in pain. The sun burns my eyes since I was used to... black was it? I feel warmth beside me, and on top of me.

I look on top to see Coco, purring with delight, and I look on my side to see the dead boy.

Wait, is he dead? Like seriously dead? Because ew gross. I kissed a dead guy.

"Mr.Stump, you're awake!" The boy smiles, and I smile too. That's right, he doesn't know my real name. I'll tell him soon, don't worry.

I sit up, and rub the back of my neck a bit. I try to get off the bed, but Pete is in my way.

"Excuse me Pete." I says and he giggles.

"Sorry Mr. Stump." He keeps giggling, as he moves out of the way. I walk downstairs, and see Mrs. O'Hara cleaning.

"Mr. Stump, you don't look well. You look... flushed." She admits and I shrug.

"I feel wonderful though! I might just need some sun." I walk down to my door when Pete shows up unexpectedly and stops me.

"Hey Mr.Stump, where are you going?" He asks, sliding in front of the door.

"I was just about to get some sunlight, maybe go to the grocery store." I smile and he smiles awkwardly.

"You don't need to do that, do you? You could stay inside, Ms.O'Hara could go for you! Just write what you need on a piece of paper, and she'll get it." I shake my head.

"Pete, if you don't move, I will kill you." He chuckles and scratches the back of his head.

"Yea, you can't really do that." I sigh loudly, and walk to the kitchen sitting down in a chair. 

"Ms. O'Hara, do we have orange juice?" I ask and she checks the fridge. 

"We do Pa - Mr.Stump, would you like some?" 

"Yes of course." I rest my head on the counter. My head is dizzy, I feel... Dead. 

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