Chapter 3 (Part 1)

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      Instead of my daily routine of waking up early I decided to stay in late and enjoy myself in my new apartment. Once I roll out of bed I grab my phone sitting on the nightstand and view the 4 missed calls. Shoot. I forgot to call Martha once I arrived in the city. I call her phone and put it to my ear. I only took a half of a ring for her to answer.

“Haley! Are you all right? Did you get there? Are you in trouble? Did you lose your phone? Do you need me to come get you?

I reply back annoyed at her worry, “Mar... Mom... I’m fine, I was just to tired to call you after my  long day. I met up with  my new landlord and my new apartment is beautiful.”

“Thats good sweetie, but don’t think that now that you live on your own you can’t call me to tell me everything.” Like I told her everything before I moved out.

“Yes mom, I will call you but right now I need to get unpacked. Bye, I love you.”

      We exchanged good-byes and I hung up. I had already unpacked last night to get a head start on my search today. I walked out f the bedroom off the plush carpet onto the cold hardwood flooring and grabbed my Apple Mac Book Pro from the dinning room table and grab a seat and sit down on it. I log into Admin on my computer and type in the password, lies. Every single password since I found out I was adopted was “lies”. I open safari on the computer and I get sent to my google homepage. From there I type in “How to find biological parents”. I get directed to a Yahoo Answers page where somebody I asking for websites were you can find the name of your biological parents after adoption papers have been sealed. The best answer is a response that leads me to two websites. is one and

      The first web site brings me to a page with the title: PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION. I go back to the previous page and click on the second link which brings to a better developed website with a large search box with the title Please Enter Adoption Number:. A few days after I found my papers when I was 14 I went back to see if my parents names were on it. They weren't, but there was a number I could never forgot; 38J900L2. Embedded in my brain, I type it in. There is only one search result. I click on. My heart stops when I see a photo of a beautiful woman with flowing wavy blond hair, much like mine. with the name Maria Ross under it. The is no photo above biological father. I’ve come so far in just the last hour.  I save the photo of Maria Ross into my desktop and open google images. I click on the little camera button on the search box and upload the photo from my desktop. I see one photo of a woman identical to the photo on the previous website. I hover of it and the photo is titled “Maria Ross Obituary” A tear drips down the side of my face.

To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2012 ⏰

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