My new hot neighbor

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"Honey wake up, it's time for school. You need to get yourself an alarm I'm not going to wake you up everyday" mom tells me as she takes the blanket off my head. "Noooo just a little more time" I tell mom.

"No Alex you've been saying that for the past hour. " she says arms crossed looking at me with mom eyes. "What time is it?" I ask getting up violently scaring her. "Jesus Alex, its 7:45. You know I hate when you do that! The twins are already downstairs eating breakfast.

You have 10 minutes before the bus comes. "Mom I'm 16 when am I getting a car?" I ask"uhhh Alex I don't know. You just have to wait I guess." She raises her hands.

"You better hurry you're going to be late, and I don't have to drive you. Josh wants me to be there early to finish the Millers case, I'm going to be late so take the food in the fridge and reheat it later." she tells me as she leaves the room.

I get up and dress quickly into a gray sweatshirt with denim ripped jeans and my navy blue converse and let my hair down and put no makeup on.  As in humming and lightly singing I hear a noice outside and open the window and I peek outside.                       

I see a moving truck and behind I see my bus. "SHIT!" I say as I'm running down the stairs. "BYE AIDEN AND ETHAN!" I yell a I'm out the door. "Bye Alex" they both yell at the same time as they peacefully eat their cereal.

As I'm running to the bus top. I turn and look at the new neighbor. Wow we haven't had neighbors since we lived in the old house. It's a new neighborhood .

There are lots of new houses for sale but the one beside me is older that all the other ones but it's the biggest. I see a boy, he looked around my age getting out the truck.

He looks around and then me.why is the bus stop so far? BANG! "Owww that hurt" I tell myself as I rub my forehead and as I see the kids on the bus that I just missed laugh. "Are you ok?" The hot new neighbor asked me as he tries to hold in a laugh."yeah I fine." I say rubbing my forehead harder."that was some show" he says as he starts to laugh a little."fuck you" I tell him picking up my backpack and pull out my phone trying to look for Oliva's number. I look at him.

Wow he is very attractive he ha brown curly hair with highlighted tips and wearing all black. The noodle head boy finally calmed down and asked "what's your name cupcake?" With a smirk on his face.

I found Oliva's number and ask if she could pick me up and she said she'll be here in five minutes. "You didn't answer my question." The boy said. "Why do you even care I don't even know you!" Raising my voice to the boy a little I kind of felt bad.

"Omg I'm sorry I'm just tired and stressed out" I told him softly as I sit on the curb waiting. After a few minutes of sitting in silence he leaves and I duck my head in my legs.

Dang Claire said she'll be here in five minutes, ten minutes have passed already. Finally Oliva arrived. As I get in the car I turn around and see the boy sitting in the porch staring at me with a serious face as he goes inside. "So what was that all about?"

Oliva's asked me looking back at the boy's house and me. I let out a big sigh and let her it was a long story. "We got time" Oliva tells me as she snaps her fingers making me and Michelle laugh.

Michelle was my other best friend. She has straight brown hair that reach a little over her shoulder and is a little shorter than me she also has brown eyes and is the fashionista in our little group, but her twin brother is so much taller than her and has green eyes and is so nice and shy it's funny. "Are you sure?" I tell them looking out the window as we get to school.

"Of course you are my best friend!" I sit there and explain the whole light pole accident. I'm surprised they stayed quiet. School went by so slow. If I tell you the truth all I could think about was my new hot mystery neighbor...

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