lock screen (yakko)

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you shook your head at yakko laughing at some program on the tv. you had made some hot chocolate for the both of you as you waited for wakko and dot to return from their grocery run.

while you weren't a warner yourself, you were always around. since season one, you had always been there to calm down the boys, fight for power with dot, and make sure those damn cartoons took care of themselves. and somewhere along the line, yakko had began flirting with you. and no matter how much you brushed him off, knowing the guy is a flirt, he never stopped.

you turned back to the hot chocolate, taking both warm mugs delicately in your hands before making your way to the couch the oldest warner sat upon. you paused when you heard a phone (which you had both respectfully set to the side) buzz, turning your gaze to see which screen had lit up. but what you saw made you drop both mugs of hot chocolate.

yakko immediately shot up. "y/n? are you okay?"

your hands rushed to grasp your face in panic. "oh, no, what a cartoonish mess i've made.. i-i'll clean it up." you turned to go grab some paper towels when yakko grabbed your wrist with his gloved hand. you looked back at him in surprise.

"are you okay?" he asked again, slower. you gave him a kind smile. 

"yeah," you nodded. "im okay."

he nodded. "good." he let go of your wrist. "what happened?"

you immediately remembered. "oh, uh.." you snatched his phone off the table. you smiled before turning it to him. "just.. im your lock screen?"

yakko didn't even seem embarrassed. "yeah. duh."

"duh?" you repeated, laughing as a flush rose to your cheeks.

the toon shrugged. "you're important to me. i like looking at your smile every time i open my phone."

you suppressed a giddy giggle. "not your siblings..?"

"oh, they're my home screen," he affirmed, stepping closer to you to unlock his phone. true to his word, his home background was a goofy picture of the iconic warner trio. "y'know, 'cause i live with them." you smiled at the picture as he looked back to you. he spoke, "if you want me to change it, i can-"

"no," you blurted immediately, looking up at him. you didn't realize how close the both of you were until that moment. "i like it." you closed his phone again to gaze upon the picture once more. "though my smile does look kinda weird in it.."

yakko shook his head at you. "your smile never looks weird."

you let out a scoff. "have you even seen this picture?"

"every day!" he defended, making you laugh.

"you're sweet," you sighed, closing his phone and handing it back to him.

"not as sweet as you," he easily flirted, taking his phone from you and going to retrieve paper towels to mop up the lukewarm mess you were standing in.

instead of rolling your eyes at his last comment, you considered for a moment. after yakko grabbed the roll of paper towels, you spoke unsurely, "yakko..?"

he turned and began to walk back toward you. "yeah-?" but he was barely able to finish the word before you grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in for a long, sweet kiss.

when you pulled away, yakko looked absolutely shell shocked. his lips shaped into a goofy, lovesick smile just before he promptly fell into the puddle of hot chocolate.

"oh, goodness," you sighed, kneeling down next to him just as dot and wakko entered the water tower.

wakko gasped dramatically. "she killed him!"

"no," you sighed. "i.." you turned your gaze down as your face got even redder. "i kissed him."

dot and wakko dropped the bags in their hands, as well as their jaws.

"oh my god, she killed him."

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