Chapter 3

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I continued to walk towards Starbucks. The whole time I thought about what had happened, I hadn't even realized I scraped my knee until someone asked if I was okay. When I got home it was already 6:30 my mom had gotten back from work and was in the kitchen cooking.
"Mom!" I yelled for her from the living room.
"What is it?" She replied.
"Do you know where my spare wheels are for my board?" One of my wheels had been ruined from when I fell off.
"You already put them on your thing."
I sighed, "okay. I'm going to buy some new ones before I come home tomorrow."
"Okie dokie pokie." she replied " come eat before it gets cold."
I walked over to the table and smelled my moms amazing spaghetti sauce and I say down. After dinner I went up stairs to get ready for bed and before I fell asleep my phone buzzed. Twitter.
@Jc_Caylen : Sweet Dreams, Lights out.

I pretended that he was talking directly to me as I read the tweet. I soon after closed my eyes and fell asleep

*Jc POV*
I was walking home when some girl fell on top of me. She was riding a penny board when it got stuck in a rock and launched her my way. She stood up and apologized and when I looked at her, her cheeks turned a rosie red. I recognized her deep blue eyes and long brown hair from somewhere but I couldn't pin point it. I asked if she was ok but she studdered and then said she was fine. She started to walk away but I called after her and as soon as she told me where I knew her from I cut her off by finishing her words for her. "Rebecca." I loved to watch her and Kian attempt to do the lab work but she would always end up yelling at him for breaking something.
"I'll see you in class, Rebecca." I told her. I winked and turned around a to continue on my way. I smiled as the thought of her. As soon as I got home I opened my laptop and emailed our chemistry teacher. Before I went to bed I sent out in last tweet, hoping she saw it.

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