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In the land of emptiness , under the dark sky, felling the toxic air I was alone. I was alone there, hopeless and being helplessly alive. One day a ray of bright light entered though the dark sky perching it and landed on the land of emptiness. The light was so bright that it's rays were hurting my eyes. But then I saw something different.

I saw a boy full of light , happiness, and smile in front of me but was confused that why did he come on this land and from where? He wondered around a little and then caught his sight upon me. Then the boy come closer to me and I was afraid of him so I hide myself under the blanket of disgrace and ugliness, so that he would not come near me. And will return to the place he came from.

But still he came near me and took that blanket off me and hold my hands pulled me near him and told me to leave this land of emptiness , dark sky and the air filled with toxicity. And to go to the land of happiness, love, self love, and brightness.I asked him where is that place I will go to then, he slowly hold me up and told me to trust him and close my eyes then we flew away from that land and then after a while of travel we landed on somewhere then he told me to open my eyes up and when I opened it I was astonished to see the place around me.

I saw beautiful land with long trees and a bright shining object in the sky and the sky was full of fluffy white object and the air has some strange good smell in it . I was a little bit excited but afraid too because it's a place fully opposite to the one I was at before.The boy smiled at me and told me now u will live here with me and will always be happy, smiling, loving yourself and being bright.

I was so much happy and excited to see the new world with him. I started wondering around the place happily exploring its beauty with those small eyes of mine. I started loving the place so much that I forgot about that darkness and that land of emptiness. I have everything here, love, care, light, happiness. I feel like it's all things I deserve them all and that they are meant to be mine.

Days passed by and then one day something strange happened. I didn't notice the strange behavior of his and thought it was nothing but I was wrong.He told me that he is going to leave me alone there and will go away from me. I was shocked to hear this because his love has blinded me so much that I believed him and trusted him and started to love him.

But it all was just a lie.

I was begging him to not leave me but he didn't listen to any of my words and left me alone and helplessly in that place without saying any word to me. He left without turning back to me without giving a reason. He just left like that.

As he left the place the shinning object disappeared and the sky turned black full of darkness, the land turned back as before and became filled with emptiness again and the air turned from the pleasant smell to became toxic again. It felt so chocking to me that I can't handle it.I started to scream and cried a lot, I called his name expecting he would come back again to me with his love but he didn't show up there but I waited for him at that place remembering how his love and care was and how happy we were and how the place was blooming over but he still didn't came and I was again left in the darkness alone, surrounded with those dark and toxic substances.

I prayed to the universe that I could just vanished from this place and would go to the place where he was and to be again in that surrounding full of light, happiness, care, love with him happily. When he came to this land he was like a hope for life to me and he was too but I didn't thought that one day he will leave me with that single hope that I have. He had come to me with a single hope but while leaving me he took my heart , my soul, my emotions, my happiness and all the best memories I had. 

And left me with only the pain, suffering, hatred around me. Then I felt a strange feeling about something and it was uncomfortable, it was the feeling of loving someone who told u to be happy forever and who would love you till the end but left you half way and also took away the reason of being happy again with him and left you alone without anything he told you to offer forever and again left you in the darkness to die.

To live like a half dead person who have life but is still dead by emotional and mental injury. Don't love anyone more than yourself because nobody know when you will get stabbed in your heart with betrayal and then were only left like a body alive but dead inside.

It's called the

"Darkness of being in love."

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