Chapter 1, Classifications,

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Okay, okay, I'll get to work on my other books soon enough but due to my unmotivated self I sorta wanna write this just to get this out of my system-

Anyway, I changed some of the characters around that were on the ideas that someone sent me as I asked for some help-

So, sorry about that- but anyway, get ready for some angst and fluff,:


Chapter 1,


-Age regression
-Self blame

The envelope was handed to him in pristine condition, a soft pastel blue in colour, his name neatly written over the front in calligraphy. 'Remus Prince'. Though his nervousness didn't cease as the doctor smiled reassuringly,  telling him he was free to leave the office, in which he did obediently. The envelope tightly held in his shaking hands as he quietly trudged outside of the building, the cold morning air causing him to shiver as he sighed.

He looked around though his heart sinking as he saw the car had gone, his brother ditching him alone in the cold as he shivered, sighing as he hesitantly wandered around the parking space just in case though not having any luck.

He sent a message.


He sighed, seeing no sign of Roman typing back after 10 minutes, so he glanced around, nervously letting his body move to whatever building he saw first. A coffee shop. Just down the street, not too far for him to walk by himself to keep warm, though he didn't have much money on him.. not at all..

He sighed, flinching at the sound of the soft bell ringing as he walked inside, alerting any of the shop workers he had entered as he shyed away to the far corner table, sighing as he looked down at the letter in his hand.
He gulped, carefully slipping his index finger under the small slip of the envelope as he slowly began to unstick it and open it neatly, nervously pulling out the letter as he unfolded it, eyes glancing over the writing.

Tears whelled up in his eyes, blurring his vision as he gulped, tightening his grip on the paper, scrunching it at the touch as he did so..

Remus Prince



Age range:
0-5               Newborn - Toddler


The boy's shaking hands dropped the letter, the envelope and paper falling to the table as a small yellow band fell out, as he gulped. He shakily slipped it on, turning it as he saw his name stained into it and his age range and classification in black being accentuated against the pastel coloured bracelet.

He had to wear it.

No matter how much he despised the idea, once the classifications were made everyone was given a coloured bracelet just in case of emergencies..

Yellow: For Littles / Regressors.

Red: For Caretakers.

Purple: For Babysitters.
Green: For neutral.

Everyone knew that..

Remus sniffled, not even realising he was crying until a staff member walked over, pausing upon noticing the colour of his band, looking around before crouching down beside the booth he was on so the waiter could gain his attention.

"Hey.. hey, what's wrong babes?"
The voice was soft, thick and sweet like honey, easily gaining Remus's attention, his head turning to face him as he sniffled. His brain not comprehending the relation of him to one of his twin's friends as he sniffled, shakily rubbing his eyes.

"M'a-alone.." he managed out pathetically or well.. so he thought, his voice shook and quiver as Remy shook his head lightly, carefully taking a seat beside the teary boy.
"You're alone?" He spoke lightly asking for confirmation as Remus nodded faintly, head slowly beginning to feel lighter.. fuzzier almost..

"Uh huh.." he shakily wiped his tears with his sleeves as the older carefully pulled his hands away, using a napkin instead to clean away his tears with a much less rough fabric.
"I see.. don't you have anyone that can pick you up, hun?"

Remus shook his head stiffly as the older clicked his tongue, pushing his glasses up so they rested adminst his messy brown locks of hair. "Okay.. well, how about you come around to the backroom and I can get you something to eat and drink, hm? How does that sound?" He offered as the other meerly nodded, the dizziness within his mind slowly taking over as he couldn't help but feel more vulnerable and obedient to him.

"M' t'irsty.." he cooed out softly as Remy chuckled, nodding as he carefully cleaned up Remus's things, offering his hand to him as the mentally regressing boy shyly took it, letting him lead him to where he was told to go, soon enough being sat on a couch as he shyly looked around.

The caffeine addict sighed softly, patting his head in a comforting manner before rushing off to get the boy some snacks and a drink as Remus gulped, chewing on his sleeve as he curiously glanced around. Despite wanting to get up, he didn't want to wander somewhere and get scolded, so he stayed still on the couch until Remy returned.

"Here you go bud.." The other mumbled softly, carefully balancing a specialised caramel and coco milkshake as Remus giggled, happily holding it and suckling away at the straw, watching the taller place a bowl of cheesecake and a plate of dino nuggets in front of him on the table.  "Eat up.. if you need anything let me know, it's my shift though so you'll have to come get me, okay? Stay out of trouble, there's napkins on the counter and there's icecream in the fridge, got it?" He mumbled softly as Remus eagerly nodded, eyes brightening at his words.

"Uh huh! T'ank chu!"

"No problem little gremlin, now, be careful and eat and drink up," Remy ruffled his hair as he sighed, pulling on his apron again, tying it on before waving faintly.

"Be good."

The mumble soft but meaningful before he disappeared into the shop front and to the counter to do his job.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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