Chapter 1

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Dipper looked at the camera he was holding in his hand. It was about the most modern thing in the Mystery Shack after the TV. Dipper turned it around, selfie style, and pressed the record button.

"My name is Dipper Pines, and in this series of videos, I am going to explain the multiple mysteries of Gravity Falls as best I can. Nothing interesting has been happening for a while. I hope the world is just saving up something big. I have one theory about the Sasquatch sightings around town, though. I believe th-"

Dipper was stopped by a shriek. He dropped the camera, but didn't off it. Mabel ran into the room, wide-eyed.

"Dipper, Dipper, Dipper! You have got to see this! I found an awesome looking mirror in the Wax Figure room!"

"What were you doing in the Wax room?"

"Soos was helping me look for my other knitting stick-thingy. But that's against the point!"

"Since when did you knit?"

Mabel straightened her body and said, with an air of confidence," I've got mad skills."


"But you've gotta seen it! It even glows!" She grabbed Dipper by the wrist and dragged him into the Wax Figure room. It was now empty, except for a big, antique looking mirror. It pulsed purplish light. Glowing is not good, Dipper thought.

He watched as Mabel picked up a small stone and threw it toward the mirror. It dissolved into its surface. "I think it's a portal", she said.

Looking at Dipper, she grinned. "Whaddya say we check out the other side? There should be another mirror in the other dimension."

Dipper wasn't convinced. "Are you sure? It might be dangerous, and we don't know anything about what's there."

Mabel put her hand on Dipper's shoulder. "Don't you trust me, bro? We've got each other. And I'll never let anything hurt you."

Dipper shrugged. "Sure, sis. But only one night in that dimension, no more."

Mabel squealed and hugged her twin. "You're the coolest brother ever!" Then, together, they jumped through the mirror and into an unknown universe.

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