"I'll defeat you cause I love you" [English] Ferriswheelshiping

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What if you have the opportunity to open up from the bottom of your heart?

Would you take the chance Or would you keep everything that weighs you down under lock and key?

With just a second, a second and a tear it will be enough for both of us to say "I love you"

How many times have they already gone? One ... two ... three ... How many times had the green-haired man and the girl with the blue orbs fought? The result was the same, over and over again, she was always victorious, but still he was determined to win.

Dreams? That drove both of them, yes, being opposites in every way, forced to be opposites naturally ... Strange thing of fate, but neither, despite being enemies, actually hated each other.

The fourth time they met and the battle became serious, both had only one pokemon in a position to fight, the situation was desperate, and both were exhausted from running so much because due to the constant damage they cause in the wooded terrain they had to move constantly so as not to take damage.

A determined order on the part of the young man with the blue-gray eyes and the feint movement was used by a small Zorua running from one side to the other. In response, a Riolu threw his hyper beam, both pokemons fell to the ground with what little energy they had, without even looking at the other N and Touko ran to their weakened friends.

The wind constantly roared as their hair was whipped hard as they looked at each other. A draw, for the first time, had been a draw in their battle ...

N was the first to get up and to Touko's surprise he took out his pokeball, putting his Zorua in it while giving her a kind of smile apparently of surprise and joy. Would he have realized what was really happening?

When the green haired man was about to leave the forest, a flash of light was seen in the sky and followed by a thunderous sound that made the brown-haired girl jump, the opposite turned his gaze to her, it looked like a scared Bunneary trying to take refuge in something. And without more than waiting for the sounds of thunder a heavy rain began to fall, soaking them both.

N was going to continue on his way, but a feeling of guilt seized him, he stopped short; Without wanting or realizing it, his feet were already heading to the place of the girl in pink.

In a slight gesture the young man stood in front of her, in the rain, and knelt like a knight at her height. Touko opened her eyes suddenly when she felt the other's presence in front of her, her first sight was a hand extended towards her and when she looked up she could see how a peaceful face looked at her as if he had found a small wild animal or an abandoned pokemon.

She knew that look of his, it was the look with which he looked at each pokemon, but she never expected him to dedicate it to someone... human.

She did not take his hand, for a second she questioned the person in front of her... Always dragging her into fights or trying to spend time with her, saying that she was interesting and then saying that she had no emotion of her own... Fighting with her until both were exhausted and then extend a helping hand... Which of the two N was the real one? The King of Team Plasma ...? Or the weird guy who liked science and talking to pokemons?

The opposite prepared to save his hand but in a matter of seconds there was another that held him as if preventing him from leaving.

N closed his hand holding the opposite one, slightly pulled her to stand both and without saying a word, only affirming the contact between both palms and a smile from the older man in between and without much thought they began to run under the noisy rain.

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