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blood in this chapter, ill tell u guys when it starts/ends

"Not bad." His voice came from behind me while I was reaching for a shirt and I flinched, silently wishing he would leave me alone.

"How and when did you come in here, and why didn't you knock?" I kept my voice neutral.

"Well, if I knocked, you would've known I was standing outside your door. What if you were trying to escape?" He fixed his gaze on mine, but it seemed to lack its usual intensity.

It'd been almost a month since I first came to the facility and, while I was still a bit wary of Zach, his intimidation tactics didn't work on me anymore. In fact, I would've tried escape long ago if he hadn't held my parents hostage.

I reached for the shirt again, but he got there before me, smirking. "You know, the markings on your back are almost gone."

"What do you -" His fingers brushed my back, making me freeze.

Dammit, what is he trying-

If you think I know, you are horribly mistaken.


"What are you doing?"

I wanted to move, to get away from him, but something held me in place as he hummed in response, tracing an invisible pattern on my skin.

I turned around and watched his hands drop to his sides, and - was he blushing?

We stared at each other, quiet. It was almost like he was back to being the person I'd met at university, and some part of me wanted to believe he was.

"Come with me." His cold demeanor was back as he turned away, my shirt still in his hand.

"What about-"

"You won't need it."

His voice was harsh, but the way he swallowed and the way his voice wavered told me otherwise.

Is he worried?

It seems so.


"Where are we going?" I asked as he led me down hallway after hallway.

No reply.


Zach continued walking, and the only sign that he had heard me were his wings fluttering.

"Stop," I said, my voice echoing throughout the corridor.

"Giving orders now, are we?" he sneered, but it seemed to do the trick as he stopped to look at me.

"No, but I should at least know where we're going, right?" I could see him getting annoyed and felt a small sense of satisfaction; I'd learned how to annoy him over the past month and it made me feel happy whenever he rose to the bait.

"A training facility."

"What? Why?"

"Do you really have to ask so many questions?" he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Yes. Now tell me why we're going to a training facility."

"It's an order from the commander."

"You father?"

"The commander, correct." We started walking again in silence, with me wondering why Zach seemed to be uncomfortable about calling the commander his father. It was weird.

Wings | Jachary ffWhere stories live. Discover now