*Lost Memories*

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Bandit's Pov:

The last thing I remember is the curtains closing and being pulled up from above, blacking out before I reached the top. Then next thing I knew, I heard a familiar voice calling for someone.        

"Hellllooo there, are we feeling shy?" The feminine voice called out. "you don't need to hide from me, poor little thing, it's a big scary world out here, I know." 

I now realize I'm some sort of box, and saw through a cut in the box who the voice belonged to.    I could  barely see her face, but I recognized her. Though I can't quite put my tongue on her name though. She passes by, and thought she left and when off to find whatever she was looking for. Then out of nowhere,  she reappeared through the cut on the box and almost made me jump out of it.

"Oh my, it's... You!" She says looking at me though the hole cut. "well, that is somethin', let's get you out of that box and into the light." She opens the box, and now I really do recognize her, just can't remember her name.

"Oh my dear!" She exclaimed. "As sure as my name's Lorelei Undertaker, I didn't drag you up here on purpose." 

Undertaker? Miss Undertaker! Now I remember.

"But, if you're here, then it must be what he wants."

'He'? Who's 'he'?

"Either way, best we get goin'. The show must go on!" With that, she left.

"Miss Undertaker! Wait!" I try to speak, but I realize that I couldn't talk. I move my arms and my hands to look at them and tried to walk out. But I ended up falling on my face. I didn't have the strength to stand up. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, a string magically attached to my left arm, pulling me up. I tugged at it, confused. Then the other arm. Then I was pulled up, I 'screamed' in pain. Then I was put back down. I began walking after the pain receded strangely quickly. 'Well,' I thought to myself. 'Let's get ready for adventure!' Like I always said in my shows. Then I walked into the trail of shadows.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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