"Making You Drown"

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Mia's POV

I am so nervous. I feel like everyone hates me right now.
So hating. Transferring from Australia to Pittsburg was a BIG difference. I mean like we have to dress to impress, style your hair, pick the perfect shoes, nail polish , and everything!

I feel like this girl named Mackenzie I think hates me. I mean like,her name though and the way of her eyes. She gave me that really mean devilish look. LITERALLY.

Mackenzie's POV

I hate new kids. I just HATE them! I mean like they're so creepy weird like brnd new like . Like, WHO DOES THAT?!

I saw the new girl.



"What's your name?"


Before she could finish her sentence , I spoke

"Listen . Life is a joke. So learn that. You don't belong here. You belong in a morphe school so. Go."

"Thank for-for the advice. I-I should go now. " I think I did well .

Yeah I threatened her. But it dose'nt mean that I should go to the office. Right?!

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