Part 1: The E-Class

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(Your POV)

I was told by my teacher to go see the principal. I was on my way down the hall when two B-Classes stopped me.

B-Class 1: "Pfft, look at (Y/n)."

B-Class 2: What'd you do this time? You're sure to go to E-Class!"

They laugh as I push through them and arrive at the principals office. I knock

Principal: "Enter."

I walk in and sit in the chair in front of his desk as he glares at me with his eyes that could shatter the nerve of ANYONE.

Principal: "(Y/n), you've been failing recently. I have no choice but to send you to E-Class."

I'd heard a lot about this 'E-Class', but it doesn't sound too bad.

"Yes sir."

Principal: "Now go, and tomorrow, you follow the signs to E-Class."

I leave and go home for the day.

I lock the door and look around my house.

My parents died two years ago, so I am the only one living here.

They were murdered by two men in suits, they spared me, but I don't know why.

I lay down and drift off to sleep, holding off the urge to cry.

~To Be Continued~

I'm so sorry for the short chapter, but my period is almost over. I'm writing this in 8th period class, and I have to go. The next chapter will be longer, I swear! Please don't hate me!

My Blueberry (Nagisa Shiota X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now