Good dog, Best friend...

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(it's been months since I updated this, but writers block has stopped all writing for this story :/ I should just do one-shot stories they're much easier than a story with tons if chapters like this. I'm starting to rant now so enjoy this, or don't. I really don't care :b)

*Dave's POV*

It's about 9:40 and you can hear Jade waking up from her sleep, sounds as if Rose is a well. Rose moves enough to make Becquerel get up and move away. He quietly makes his way towards you and John. Bec just lays down with you both and rests his snout on his paws. You smile gently and softly pet him.

John snuggles into your chest, and you just give a small grin and kiss his forehead. Jade and Rose were waking up, it was about 10:00 now. Rose was the first to sit up from her sleep, all she did was yawn. Jade on the other hand streched and yawned from her sleeping position. The sound of the birds outside gave peace to your ears, even though it was already peaceful. Today is going to be a nice day your sure of it.

~~4 hours later~~

*Rose's POV* (hey look a pov thats not johns or daves)

"John! Dave! Rose!" Jade shouted from outside. "Bec's missing!"

Dave rushes past you down the stairs along with John. You speed up a little bit and meet them up out on your front porch. "Where did you last see Bec?" you ask her

"Well he kinda ran off after a car for who knows what reason, and he disappeared into thin air!" Jade exclaimed.

"That's odd, Jaspers also went missing a few days ago now that I think about it."

"Whatever is doing this it seems like it's targeting animals" Dave said

"Dave's right, it does seem like whatever it is it's targeting animals specifically." Jade said


Here's that unpublished part I left sit for almost a year or so
Interpret it how u want I guess
If any of u fucks wanna go off of my story and do ur own continuation of it go ahead just credit me lol

He Takes Your Breath Away (A JohnxDave fanfic) *ABANDONED*Where stories live. Discover now