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The Hyperion City sun glowed on the bedsheets. Juno Steel rubbed his cheeks, his chin, his eyes, trying to adjust to being awake again. He was in his own apartment, he knew that, where he and his partner in... crime had returned from a long and trying case to let off steam. He had finally gotten what felt like a decent night's rest. It was... strange, to be sure. He hadn't had any other person over to his apartment in what felt like eons.

However, when the lady opened his eyes, he was alone in the bed. There was only pulled back covers and a dent in the mattress to show Peter Nureyev had ever been there. Juno huffed angrily. The damn thief must have snuck off while he was asleep.

Juno winced into his palms before throwing off the sheets and stepping to the floor, tense. He walked a few feet to his right to snatch his pants from the ground.

"Should have expected it. Expected he'd try and run off like a coward," Juno thought angrily to himself as he shoved his clothes on with frustration, "Too busy to stick around, huh? Him and all his damn 'shining cities'... Should have known, of course, of c o u r s e—"

"Thinking of going someplace, Detective?"

Juno spun around to the sound of the voice. In his door frame stood Peter Nureyev, accompanied by his usual amused half smile and condescending tone.

"I— uh— no. I just— I thought you'd left. That's all," spluttered the private investigator, coughing uncomfortably. The unfairly handsome criminal gave a pitying chuckle.

"I wouldn't leave like that. Have some faith, Juno." He moved from the doorway into the room, slowly but confidently approaching Juno.

"Yeah, well. When you've been in the P.I. business as long as I have, you learn the only thing you should ever put faith in is yourself," Juno grumbled.

"Well, what's a detective without his Gal Friday? I could be your helpful comic relief."

"I can provide comic relief just fine on my own, thanks. And I'd get a earful from Rita if I tried to replace her."

"I suppose that's true."

Peter Nureyev ran a hand smoothly through his hair, shooting Juno a mischievous glance.

"Come into the kitchen and I'll show you what I was really working on. Other than abandoning innocent detectives, of course."

Juno sighed and followed him reluctantly into the small kitchen. On the counter sat two plates of fresh, warm pancakes.

"You... You made breakfast?" Juno said in surprise. The thief smiled.

"I wasn't going to let you wake up hungry, Juno," he responded, obviously pleased with himself. He laughed momentarily. "Don't worry, dear, it's not poisoned or anything. You can check if you'd like."

"I, um. Thank you," Juno mumbled, at a loss for the appropriate words. He hadn't had anyone make breakfast for him in years.

His companion smirked and lifted an eyebrow. He walked gallantly over to the table and pulled out a chair for the lady to sit in.

"Have a seat, Detective. Your pancakes will be served shortly. If you'll allow me just a moment."

Juno settles himself at the table as Peter Nureyev bustled around in the kitchen just out of sight. After a few seconds, he emerged somehow managing to carry a plate of pancakes, a glass of orange juice, a container of blueberries, a butter dish, and a bottle of maple syrup all at once. He sat them down in front of the slightly baffled detective, flashing a charismatic grin, before returning to the kitchen to fetch his own plate. Peter Nureyev chose a chair right next to his partner's, but kept his respectful distance so as not to make Juno uncomfortable. Juno chewed his lip before picking up his utensils and daring to make eye contact.

"This is... really nice, Nureyev. Thank you for doing this for me. And for last night. And for everything."

He reached one hand to brush over the man's, unsure of himself. Nureyev laughed good-naturedly and returned the touch by sneaking his fingers over to run through Juno Steel's tightly coiled hair and caress his cheek. Juno could swear he was blushing, but he didn't think of stopping him. It was... It wasn't bad, being able to do this with someone. Especially not Peter Nureyev, with his handsome, amused smile, his comforting cologne, and his aura that made Juno feel like he would never have to be lonely again.

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