Cuddles {Erisol}

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(A/N) 'this means thinking' and "this means speaking", this story is in Eridan's pov btw-. Also slight TW for mild cursing.


//Eridan POV//

It was about the middle of the day and you were bored out of your mind. You were at Solux's hive for a reason unbeknownst to you. He didn't invite you or anything you were just kinda there without a reason. Sollux was on his computer as usual. You guys used to be kismesises but that was long gone after you guys started to get to know each other more. He was pretty tolerable after you get to know him. Anyways, like you said before, you bored as hell, so you decided to mess around with him a bit.

"Sooooooolllllll~" You said in a slightly flirtatious voice."What ith it fith fathe?" He replied. God you loved his adora-'NO NO NO IT IS NOT IT IS ANNOYING AND MAYBE KINDA CUTE AT THE SAME TIME BUT SURELY NOT ADORABLE-' You told yourself. You knew that was a lie-

"Im boreeeeeeeed" "Then go do thomething that doethnt include me" He responded. "But I wwant attentiooooon" You whined. "Then go annoy FF or really jutht anyone other than me" He retorted. "But I wwant attention from you and you only Sol!""Why me of all trollth?" I don't knoww I just do!" 





"Prettyyyy Pleassseeee?" 

"ALRIGHT FINE" He said rather annoyed."But only beacuth you're getting on my nerveth!"

"Yay!" I exclaimed rather joyfully. 

"Tho what did you want me to do?" He said obviously annoyed. "Hehe, I wwant you to cuddle me!" I said rather cockily. "No, I'm not doing that thit." "Why not?" I fumed slightly. "Beacauth itth bullthit. I'm not gonna cuddle-" I cut him off my tackling him to the floor in a hug. "ED WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING-" He yelled as he tried to get me off of him. "I'M TRYING TO GET YOU COOPERATE" I yelled back at him while tightening my grip on him. We fight a little bit until I ended up on top of him pinning him down. "Haha! I win!" I exclaimed, then I looked down and see a blushing Sol, cheeks as yellow as honey. 'Cute..' I think to myself. Then I realize that I was on top of him for quite a bit now and blushed a bit myself. "S-sorry.." I said as I climbed off of him. "Why do you even want me, of all people, to cuddle you?" He said getting up. "Because you're the one who cares the most out of evveryone.." I said looking away. "What about FF?"He said kind of confused. "We havven't talked in months.." I responded. He sighs and sits on the bed(I know they don't have beds just please for the story-). "Wwhat are you doing Sol?.." I asked curiously. "Jutht come here already." He said as he pats the spot next to him. I sit there as he puts his arm around me and pulls me down to lay on the bed. A huge blush fell across my face. "S-Sol what are you doing?!-" He cut me off with a hug. 'Was he cuddling me?!' I soon learned the answer to that question. "You were the one who thaid you wanted to cuddle, tho letth do that before I change my mind." He answered with a huge blush on his face as well. I cuddled into him and we cuddled until we fell asleep. That was my favorite night ever. 

~Le End~


(A/N)  SORRY THIS IS REALLY BAD THIS WAS MY FIRST TIME WRITING A STORY. I hope it wasn't to bad and I hope you liked it though! Please tell me if you want me to make more! Bye bye!

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