Chapter 22(Those feelings)

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Ava's POV.

I wake up in the morning with arms around my waist and  some legs tangled with mine. I open my eyes slowly and sun peeking through the window giving a tingling sensation to my eyes.

"Zayn..", I say as he slowly moved his head into my chest. It choked my breath.

"Zayn wakeup", I say and try to free my legs followed by my arms.

"Hmmm..", was the only reaction I got.

"Zayn", I said in a loud voice. He jerked away and rubbed his eyes with his hands

"I am up", he says and we both laugh.

"Go and get a shower", I say as I get up.

I told him to go first because I knew if I go first he will sleep and it will take me another decade to wake him up.

"Extra toothbrush is in the cupboard. Get it", I say and he helds me by my waist. "I will use yours",  he says and kisses my neck.

"God Zayn. Are you listening to yourself." I say as I make an *ewww* face. "Go inside now" I say and push him in the bathroom.

He comes out dressed. Still wearing yesterday's clothes.

"Happy", he say and i smile. "Now let me go in", I say and ignore his cheeky smile.

"I can join you again", he say and I take a deep breath.

"I can help myself", I say and shut the bathroom door.

I turn on the warm water and recall all the best moment of last night.

I clean up myself and stretch my hand for a towel. I wrap it around my body. Only then i realised that i didnt bring the clothes i have to wear. I never used to bring them in as I never had a room mate. But now ofcoarse Zayn was in there and I was a little shy to go infront of him like this

With a hope that Zayn has left the room, I slowly open the door and tip toe in the room. Zayn was still there but he was on the bed and his back was facing me. With a deep breath, I open my closet and struggle to find something.

It was the time when I realised a pair of arms grabbing my waist.

"Got ya", Zayn says and places a small kiss on my neck.

"This is not fair." I say and turn around.

"I love the fact that you are still shy. I think i was right. You are so different" he says and I definitely blushed as i feel blood rushing towards my cheeks.

"ya right I am an alien", I say and make a wierd face earning a smile from him.

"Your hands are cold", I say as he runs his hand towards my arms.

"Ya I know they are sexy", he says and I roll my eyes in a whatever manner.

I slowly feel my towel to move up and those sexily cold hands running up my thighs, bunching the towel a little up.

"God you have no idea what I can do to you with these hands" he say and starts kissing my neck continously.

Suddenly someone knocks at the door and he jerks aways from me.

"Perfect timing Alice", he says as Alice screams my name

He moves towards the room and I grab a plain t-shirt and black shorts and get dressed

As I walk downstairs I saw Zayn trying to braid Alice's hair. And he was failing terribly.

"Seriously Zayn", I say as I walk towards the breakfast table.

"Let me do it", I say and jerk him away.

"I was doing it nice than you", he say and pouted.

"I can see that", I say and Alice and I start laughing.

Alice goes to school and we leave for our work too.

He called me almost 5 times and only three words leaving his lips "I miss you" although I couldnt deny the fact I missed him more. But we have to keep it a secret so we couldnt meet.

I had to go to Perrie and ask her if she will have some humanity grounds and cancel the contract thing out. With high hope I find two hours in my busy schedule and walk towards her home. I didnt want to inform her . I dont know why  but i just didnt want to.

I knock on the door and Perrie comes to open it.

"Are my eyes cheating on me or are you at my door" she says as she opens the door. She was wearing high waisted shorts and a white tank top.

"Listen babe I am here to talk  so lets keep our bitchy sides out for sometime" I say and she rolls her eyes but opens the door little furthur.

I get in and get settled on a couch and she sat on a bean bag facing me.

"So what do you want",

I want to kill you with the knife i am hidind in my pocket

"I just wanted to talk about Zayn. Perrie he is not happy. If you can just cancel the contract and delete the video." I say and she gave me a bitchy smile.

"You really think I would do that. I mean cmon he is a puppet for me and source of fame for my band you really think i would do that"

"You girls sing about feminism how can you use him like this", I say and she stands up

"Dont say what i have to do or not. Dont interfere. I dont care about anyone. Just my fame and my money. Is that clear? Now leave", she says and points towards the door.

I grab my belongings and leave.

"Once a bitch always a bitch", i say and leave her with  an annoyed face.

I move out and take a deep breathe. What will I do next? I feel helpless. How will I save Zayn now.

Suddenly my phone buzzes and I see Louis on my caller id.

"Hey", i say trying to hide my disappointment.

"Hey princess. Where are you? Are you free now?"

"Yup. Tell me", i say and forget everything for once.

"Well its Liam's b'day tomorrow and do you have any idea what to do?" He says and I feel someone mumbling in the back. "And Niall says i am the best". He say and I laugh. "Oh god he is crazy", i say and he smile.

"Lets give him a surprise I have a plan"


Disclaimer:-No hate towards mixers. We are at peace guys✌
hello all you beautiful people. Thanku so much so far. I cant thank everyone enough for helping me. Love ya all.
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Till then
Keep it classy✌

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