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This is just going to be a bunch of little one shots about students having weird patronuses.

I raised my wand high and yelled; "Expecto Patronum!" A silver horse burst out, galloped around the room, and then vanished.

"Very good!" cried Professor Flitwick. "Now you try it, Miss Aelfdene!"

The Hufflepuff girl gave a start, knocking over some books. As everyone laughed, she looked at the gathered Slytherins and Hufflepuffs and blushed.

"Go on!" Flitwick called encouragingly.

She screwed up her face in concentration. 

"Expecto Patronum!" she said, and murmers of confusion were sent among the purebloods as her patronus came out of the tip of her wand.

My best friend was doubled over, laughing.

"What!" I demanded. "What's so funny?"

He wiped his eyes on his robes and stood up, grinning. "Her patronus-" then he ducked down laughing again.

Flitwick was trying to call order, but to no avail.

Once everyone quieted down, he approached the girl. "Miss Aelfdene, what was your patronus, if you know?" he asked kindly.

She muttered something, her cheeks bright red.

"What was that?" 

"Squirtle," she said, and then another round of laughter came through the classroom. She gave an embarrassed smile.

"I don't get it." I said blankly.

I left the class a half hour later, still confused.

FYI, I have never experienced Pokémon, I just thought it would be funny.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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